Index to
the Standing Orders
by Subject
Return to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
- Absence of the Speaker 12, 13
- Abuse of the rules and privileges, Motion in 44, 58
- Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne 45A, Schedule 1
- Amendments disposed of on fourth day 45A, Schedule 1(2)
- Duration of debate on 45A, Schedule 1(1)
- Main motion disposed of on sixth day 45A, Schedule 1(3)
- Motion, seconder required 50(a)
- Adjournment of debate 34
- Motion always in order 34
- Motion for, in abuse of rules 44
- Second motions 34
- Adjournment of the House 34
- Decorum on 5
- Grave disorder, in case of 22(1)
- Motions for
- always in order 34
- in abuse of rules 44
- not debatable 45(2)
- second motion 34
- Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance 35(1)
- debatable 45(1)(f)
- debate concluded 35(9)
- debate deferred 35(6)
- no debate on request for leave 35(4)
- restrictions 35(10)
- Speaker’s decision deferred 35(5)
- statement of matter 35(2), (3)
- time limits 35(8)
- Amendments
- Bills, process to amend sections or subsections 88
- Closure motion can be made on 46(4)
- Generally 55(a)
- Law Clerk’s powers 87, 88
- Motion
- on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, notice required 48(2)
- that the Speaker do now leave the Chair, notice required 48(2)
- to refer, precludes 53
- Reply not allowed by mover 42(2)
- Seconder required in certain cases 50
- Answers to questions see Questions, Oral; Questions, Written
- Appeals to the House
- From Chair’s ruling 61(3)
- From Speaker’s decision 9
- Assistant Deputy Speaker 14
- Bills, Private
- Advertising 98
- Amendments
- reprinting after 108
- revised by Law Clerk 94(1)
- signed by Chair 111
- Application for 97
- Certification by Law Clerk 104
- Chair to sign bill with amendments 111
- Committee
- appointment 68(1)
- notice of meeting 106
- referral to 105
- report to House in every case 108
- voting 107
- Copies filed with Clerk 97(b)
- Fees
- filed with Clerk 97(c)
- payable by certified cheque 102
- remission 101
- Introduction and first reading 104
- Law Clerk, duties 94(2), 104
- Legislative Counsel to receive copy 99
- Member sponsoring 97(f)
- Notice of application
- copy filed with Clerk 97(d)
- publication of 98
- Notice of motion not required 48(1)
- Notice of time for receiving applications, publication 114
- Objection to 103
- Order Paper precedence 25, 28
- Parliamentary Agent 112
- Petition
- filed with Clerk 97(a)
- form of Appendix A
- Printed by King’s Printer 100
- Procedure Appendix B
- after certification 104(1)
- when bill opposed 103
- without certification 104(2)
- Register kept by Law Clerk 115
- Report to House
- in every case 108
- preamble not proved 110(1)
- variance between bill and notice 109
- Reprinting after amendment 108
- Second reading 110(2)
- Standing Orders
- shall apply 113
- suspension 104(2)
- Time limits on debate 45A, Schedule 3
- Bills, Private Members’
- Committed to Select Standing Committee 84A
- committee appointed for life of a Parliament 84A(3)
- committee stage 84A(1)
- timeline to report to House 84A(2)
- Order Paper precedence 25
- Precedence of second reading established by draw 27(4)
- Time limits on debate
- report stage 45A, Schedule 6
- second reading and amendments 45A, Schedule 5
- third reading and amendments 45A, Schedule 7
- Bills, Public
- Amendments
- additions, deletions, or substitutions by Law Clerk 88
- motion 55
- printing 80
- reported 85
- returned by message for 85
- Appropriation 67
- Certification by Clerk 82
- Clerk to certify reading 82
- Committal, two readings before 83
- Committee stage
- amendments 85
- clauses postponed 84(2)
- preamble and title considered last 84(1)
- reports from 64, 85
- Constitution, affecting 76
- Introduction and first reading 74
- must be complete 75
- no amendment or debate 78
- notice required 48(1)
- Law Clerk to revise and certify 87, 88
- Negatived, not to be reintroduced 77
- Order Paper precedence 25, 28
- Recommittal 86
- Referral to select standing committee 78A
- Report stage 85
- Reprinted after amendment 80
- Second reading
- after bill printed and distributed 79
- amendments 80
- before committal or amendment 83
- time allocation 81.1(1), (2)
- time limits on debate 45A, Schedule 3
- urgent or extraordinary occasions 81
- Stages of 81
- closure motion may be made on 46(4)
- time allocation 81.1(1), (2)
- Third reading
- discharged 86
- negatived 85
- Order Paper precedence 28
- recommittal 86
- time allocation 81.1(1), (2)
- urgent or extraordinary occasions 81
- Bribery
- In elections 90
- Members 89
- Budget Debate
- Amendments disposed of on fourth day 45A, Schedule 2(2)
- Main motion disposed of on sixth day 45A, Schedule 2(3)
- Time limits 45A, Schedule 2(1)
- Business of the House
- Adjourned debates on motions 32
- Adjournment motions 34
- Daily Routine Business 25
- Government control of 27
- Orders of the Day 25, 27
- Private Members’ Business 27(4)
- Private Members’ Statements 25A
- Statements by Members (two-minute statements) 25B
- Under consideration at adjournment 32
- Calendar, Parliamentary 2(2)
- Casting vote
- Speaker 10
- Certification, committee witnesses, statement of claim 72(3)
- Certification of public bill by Clerk 82
- Certification of public bill by Law Clerk 87
- Chair, Committee of the Whole see also Deputy Speaker
- Decisions
- not debatable 61(3)
- not subject to appeal to the House 61(3)
- Duties 19, 20, 61(3)
- Leaving chair 62
- Takes chair 15
- Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
- Bills, certifies readings of 82
- Bills, Private, petition, bill, fees, filed with 97
- Committees, parliamentary, to post lists of 68(2)
- Duties 92
- Officers and Clerks, direction and control over 92
- Orders of the Day, placed on Speaker’s Table 93
- Records of the House, responsible for safekeeping 92
- Speaker, announces unavoidable absence of 12
- Closure 46
- Committee of Supply
- Appointment 60
- Crown revenues, motion affecting out of order 67
- Estimates may be referred to select standing committee 60A
- Time limits on debate 45A, Schedule 9
- Committees of the Whole
- Chair see Chair, Committee of the Whole
- Deputy Chair 14
- Disorder in
- Chair may recess 22(2)
- report to House 61(4)
- Divisions in 16
- entered in Journals 16(3)
- Grave disorder in 22(2)
- Referral of matters to, amendments 53
- Relevancy rule 61(2)
- Reports from
- brought up without question put 64
- Chair leaves chair without question 63
- on disorder 61(4)
- Standing Orders, observed in 61(1)
- Time limits on debate 45A, Schedule 10
- Committees, Select Standing and Special see Parliamentary Committees
- Constitution
- Bills affecting 76
- Subversion of 89
- Crown
- Prerogatives 66
- Revenues, motion affecting out of order 67
- Customs or usages 1
- Debate, Rules of
- Addressing Speaker or Chair 36
- Adjournment see Adjournment of Debate
- Amendments, speaking on 42(2)
- Closure 46
- Decorum 17
- Disorder see Disorder
- Electronic devices, use 17A
- Interruptions
- by clock 3
- generally 17(2)
- Irrelevance 40(3), 43
- Language, Offensive or disrespectful 40
- Member
- “be now heard” or “do now speak” 37
- conduct in question 39
- desiring to speak 36
- explanation of speech 42(1)
- place of speaking, assigned seat 36
- remote participation in proceedings 8
- reply, right of 42(2)
- resumes seat 38
- speaking twice to a question 42(1)
- two or more Members rise to speak, precedence 37
- Motions
- debatable 45(1)
- not debatable 45(2)
- Points of order 17(2), 38(b)
- Question, may be read when required 41
- Repetition 43
- Reply
- closes debate 42(3)
- right of 42(2)
- Speaker’s participation in debate 10
- Time limits 45A
- Votes of the House, reflection on 40(4)
- Debates, Recording of 120
- Record
- evidence of words spoken by Members 120(4)
- under control and custody of Speaker 120(1)
- terms of use, publication, etc 120(2)
- Report
- alterations to 120(6)
- prepared and distributed 120(5)
- Decisions
- May constitute precedents 1
- Not subject to appeal to House 9
- Speaker shall state reasons for 9
- Decorum
- Adjournment of the House 5
- In debate 17
- Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole
- Appointment 14
- Deputy Speaker see also Chair, Committee of the Whole
- Appointment 14
- Assistant Deputy Speaker 14
- Closure motion 46(3), (4)
- Role and duties 15
- Speaker’s absence, role 12
- Disorder
- Chair may recess Committee of the Whole 22(2)
- Member
- named 20
- ordered to withdraw 19, 20
- Speaker may recess or adjourn 22(1)
- Divisions
- Bells 16(1), (2)
- Casting vote 10
- Debate not permitted after bells have been rung 16(1)
- Deferral of 16(4), 25
- Members not to enter or leave after final statement of question 16(2)
- Members present must vote 16(2)
- Recorded in Votes and Proceedings 16(3)
- Remote participation by Members 8(2), 16(2)
- Statement of question by Speaker 16(2)
- Dress 17B
- Dropped orders 31(2), (3)
- Election of Speaker 11
- Electronic devices, use 17A
- Estimates see also Committee of Supply
- Referral to select standing committee,
- motion without debate or amendment 60A
- Explanation 42(1)
- House
- Adjournment see Adjournment of the House
- Business see Business of the House
- Members to attend 6, 7
- Quorum 6, 7
- Sittings see Sittings of the House
- Strangers, withdrawal of 23, 24
- Times of meeting and adjournment 3
- Infant being cared for by a Member 23
- Interruption see Debate, Rules of
- Interruption of business by the clock see also Procedure; Supersedence rule
- By the clock 3
- Journals of the House see also Votes and Proceedings
- Casting vote, Speaker’s reasons entered in 10
- Divisions, entered in 16(3)
- Quorum, lack of, time and names of Members present entered in 7(3)
- Language, Offensive or disrespectful 40
- Lapse provision 31, 32
- Law Clerk
- Bills
- revises amendments 94(1)
- revises and certifies 87, 88, 94(3)
- bills, private, duties re 94(2)
- role and duties 94
- statutes, responsibility for preparation and printing 94(4)
- Legislative Library
- Annual report 116
- Books not to be removed during Session 118
- Catalogue 116
- Speaker, controls and manages 119
- Use of, during Session 117
- Members see also Debate, Rules of; Points of order; Private Members’ Statements; Statements by Members (two-minute statements)
- Attendance required, remote participation
- in-person attendance expectations 8(1)
- powers of Speaker 8(4)
- Speaker approves technology and establishes rules 8(3)
- use of videoconferencing technology 8(2)
- Bribery or corrupt practices 90
- Conduct of, motions concerning 39
- Decorum
- adjournment of House 5
- in debate 17
- Desiring to speak, from assigned place 36
- Disorderly conduct 19, 43
- Dress 17B
- Electronic devices, use 17A
- Interruptions 17(2)
- Naming a Member 20(1), 43
- Offer of money to 89
- Ordered to withdraw 19, 20(3), 21
- Pecuniary interest 18
- Rising simultaneously 37
- Suspension 20
- from Legislative Chamber and committees 21
- Members’ Bills see Bills, Private Members’
- Message
- Bills returned by, for amendment 85
- Votes of public money recommended by 67
- Money see Public money
- Motions see also Private Members’ Motions
- Abuse of rules and privileges 44, 58
- Adjournment see Adjournment of Debate; Adjournment of the House
- Affirmative vote may be rescinded 54
- Amendments see Amendments
- “Be now heard”, that a Member 37
- Closure 46
- Committee of Supply, appointing 60
- Committing bill, resolutions, etc. 53
- Debatable 45(1)
- Debate on, motions receivable during 55
- Dropped orders 31(3)
- Expenditures of public money 66
- Lapsing 32
- Member’s conduct 39
- Money, Crown prerogative 66
- Negatived in committee 52
- Not debatable 45(2)
- Notice 48(1)
- Orders of the Day, proceeding to 33, 48(1)
- Out of order 44, 58
- Question not to be put twice 54
- Seconder required in certain cases 50
- Standing Orders, suspension of, notice required 48(1)
- Substantive, reply allowed 42(2)
- Suspension of a Member 20(1)
- Suspension of Standing Orders, notice required 48(1)
- “That the question be now put” 46
- Withdrawal 51
- Without notice, by unanimous consent 49
- Naming a Member 20, 43
- Notices
- Amendments
- Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne 48(2)
- “that the Speaker do now leave the Chair” 48(2)
- Bills, introduction of 48(1)
- Committees
- additions or substitutions 69(2)
- appointment 48(1)
- Motion
- question may stand as 47(2)
- two days 48
- withdrawal 51(2)
- Motion without notice 49
- Questions, written 48(1)
- Resolutions 48(1)
- Standing Orders, suspension of 48(1)
- Votes and Proceedings, printed in 48(1)
- Offensive language 40
- Oral Question Period see also Questions, Oral
- Daily 25
- Debate not permitted in 47A(d)
- Duration 25, 47A
- Points of order during 47A(c)
- Provision for 47A
- Order Paper
- Arrangement of 28
- Precedence on 27
- Orders of the Day see also Business of the House; Motions; Order Paper
- Clerk places on Speaker’s Table 93
- Discharged 86
- Dropped orders 31(2)
- Government orders given precedence 27(2)
- Motion to proceed to 33
- notice not required 48(1)
- Not disposed of at adjournment 31(3)
- Not taken up when called 31(1)
- Urgent Government business 27(3)
- Parliamentary Committees
- Additions and substitutions require notice 69(2)
- Appointment, notice required 48
- Committee of Selection 68(1)
- Estimates may be referred to 60A
- Formation 68(1)
- Lists of, posted by Clerk 68(2)
- Procedural matters of, settled within 71(1)
- Quorum 71(2)
- Referral of matters to, precludes amendments 53
- Reports from 45(1)(b), 70
- Select Standing Committee on Private Bills and Private Members’ Bills, Chair’s voting powers 71(1), 107
- Special Committees, appointment 69(1)
- Standing Orders, observed in 71
- Witnesses
- certification of claims 72(3)
- payment for claims 72(2), 72(3)
- summons of 72(1)
- Pecuniary and personal interests 18
- Permanent officers of the Legislative Assembly 92, 93, 95
- Completion of work 96
- Petitions 73
- Form of Appendix A
- Points of order see also Debate, Rules of
- Arising in Committee 71(1)
- Interrupting another Member with 17(2)
- Member to resume seat 38(b)
- Practice Recommendations
- Prayers and Reflections 17A, 25
- Private Bills see Bills, Private
- Private Members’ Bills see Bills, Private Members’
- Private Members’ Business 27A, 27B
- Order Paper precedence 27(4)
- Placement
- draw for assigned placements 27A(1)
- exchanging or withdrawing place 27A(2)
- list to be appended to the Order Paper 27A(3)
- new Private Members 27A(4)
- Public Bill or motion ruled out of order 27A(5)
- Reinstatement at beginning of second or subsequent Session 27B
- Private Members’ Motions see also Motions
- Order Paper precedence 25
- Precedence established by draw 27(4)
- Time limits on debate 45A, Schedule 4
- Private Members’ Statements 25A
- Not subject to amendment, adjournment or vote 25A(3)
- Order Paper precedence 25
- Restrictions 25A(4)
- Speaker to be advised as to names of Private Members and topics 25A(2)
- Time limits 25A(1)
- Two-minute statements 25B
- Private Members’ Time 25, 45A, Schedules 4, 5, 6, 7
- Privilege
- Adjournment motion, on matters of urgent public importance, not to be raised 35(10)(e)
- Election of Speaker, questions not permitted during 11(b)(2)
- Question of, considered immediately 26
- Private Members’ Statement shall not raise questions of 25A(4)(d)
- Procedure see also Standing Orders
- General Rule 1
- Interruption of business by clock 3
- Precedents 1
- Unanimous consent 49
- Unprovided cases 1
- Prorogation
- Returns, orders or address for, not nullified 91
- Public Bills see Bills, Public
- Public Bills in the Hands of Private Members see Bills, Private Members’
- Public money
- Crown recommendation required re expenditure of 66
- Votes by message 67
- Question Period see Oral Question Period
- Question, The see also Motions
- “Be now put”, procedure 46
- May be read when required 41
- Speaking twice to 42(1)
- Superseded by motion to proceed to Orders of the Day 33
- Questions, Oral 47A
- Argument or opinion not allowed 47A(b)
- Brief and precise 47A(b)
- Debate not permitted 47A(d)
- Supplementary 47A(c)
- Urgent and important 47A(a)
- Questions, Written
- Argument or opinion not allowed 47(1)
- Definition 47(1)
- Minister’s discretion as to form of reply 47(3)
- Notice of 48(1)
- question may stand as 47(2)
- Reply entered in Journals 47(1)
- Withdrawal of 51(2)
- Quorum
- Committees 71(2)
- Lack of, Speaker may recess or adjourn 7
- Names of Members present entered in Journal when no quorum 7(3)
- Procedure in absence of 7(1), (2)
- Ten Members required to form 6
- Records of the House
- Clerk responsible for safe-keeping 92
- Relevancy
- In Committee of the Whole 61(2)
- In debate 40(3), 43
- Remote participation in proceedings 8
- Reply
- Closes debate, Speaker shall inform 42(3)
- Right of 42(2)
- Reports
- Committee of the Whole 63
- brought up without question 64
- reports of disorder in 61(4)
- Motion for reference to Committee, debatable 45(1)(i)
- Parliamentary committees, presentation of 70
- Returns
- Prorogation not to nullify order for 91
- Routine Business 25
- Select Standing Committees see Parliamentary Committees
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- Custody of strangers 24
- Mace, furniture, etc, responsibility for 95(1)
- Messengers, direction and control of 95(2)
- Preserves order in galleries, corridors, lobbies and precincts 95(3)
- Sittings of the House
- Daily 2(1)
- Parliamentary calendar 2(2)
- Speaker
- Absence 12, 13
- Adjournment motions, on matters of urgent public importance 35
- Adjourns House
- for lack of quorum 7
- in case of grave disorder 22(1)
- Casting vote 10
- Debate
- informs House reply closes 42(3)
- motions in abuse of rules, duties re 44, 58
- participation in 10
- relevancy rule, enforces 43
- Decisions
- debate or appeal to House not permitted 9
- states Standing Order or other authority 9
- Divisions, duties during 16
- Election of 11
- Library, management and control of 119
- Members
- naming 20(1), 43
- ordered to withdraw 19, 20
- remote participation, duties re 8(3), (4)
- suspension 20, 21, 43
- Questions, written, duties re 47(2)
- Strangers, directs withdrawal of 23, 24
- Temporary Speaker, election of 13
- Speaker, Deputy see Deputy Speaker
- Speeches
- Content 40
- Explanation 42(1)
- Time limits 45A
- Standing Committees see Parliamentary Committees
- Standing Orders see also Procedure
- Committees, observed in 61(1), 71
- Suspension of 27(3)
- notice required 48(1)
- Statements by Members (two-minute statements) see also Private Members’ Statements
- Provision for 25B
- Statutes
- Law Clerk, responsible for preparing and printing 94(4)
- Strangers
- Misconduct 24
- Withdrawal 23, 24
- Substantive motions
- Reply allowed by mover 42(2)
- Supersedence rule see also Interruption of business by clock; Procedure
- Motion shall not lapse 31, 32
- Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day 33
- Supply, Committee of see Committee of Supply
- Suspension
- Members 20, 21
- Sitting 22
- Standing Orders 27(3), 48(1)
- Unanimous consent, motions by 49
- Unprovided cases see General Rule
- Urgent public importance, Motions for adjournment see also Adjournment of the House, Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance
- Provision for 35
- Usages and customs 1
- Votes and Proceedings see also Journals of the House
- Notices, printed in 48(1)
- Divisions, entered in 16(3)