Parliamentary Practice
in British Columbia
Fifth Edition

Parliamentary Practice
in British Columbia
Fifth Edition

Main Index


Aboriginal peoples See Indigenous peoples

Abraham, L.A. (Clerk)(U.K.) 71

Absence of the Speaker 78-79, 411

Abuse of the rules and privileges, Motion in 117-119, 165-166, 171-172, 204, 223-224

An Act to Ensure the Supremacy of Parliament 230

Address in Reply to Speech from the Throne

Amendments 208

Amendments disposed of on fourth day 167

Amendments, time limits 170-171

Duration of debate on 167

Interruption by other House business 110, 169

Main motion disposed of on sixth day 167

Motions re

notice required for amendments 101, 202

seconder required 208, 215

as special debate opportunity 110

Precedence over interrupted business 87

Time limits 167-169, 183

Addresses by non-Members 27

Adjournment of debate

Motions for

in abuse of rules 117-119, 165-166, 223

always in order 117-120

debate on 205-207

as dilatory motions 221

receivable when question under debate 215

Not on point of order or question of privilege 134

Restrictions on adjournment debates 206-207

Second motion 118

Adjournment of the House

Daily adjournment time, ordinary time 169

Debate on motion for 205

Decorum on 92

Dropped orders resulting from 113-116

Effect on matters under consideration 113-116

Effect on Order Paper 113

Extension of normal adjournment time, motion debatable 84

Government prerogative 117-120

Grave disorder, in case of 142-143

Hour of interruption 86-91

Last day of sitting periods 83-84

Long adjournment motion 83-85

Members' decorum on 92

Motions for

in abuse of rules 117-119, 165-166, 223

always in order 117-120

debate on 205-207

as dilatory motions 220

not debatable 206

not on point of order or question of privilege 134

to a particular day, scope of debate 206-207

receivable when question under debate 215

rotating motions 119, 165-166, 220, 285

second motion 118

Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance 121-128, 122

application of urgency 126-128

contents of 123-124

debatable 205

debate concluded 122

debate deferred 122

end of debate 117, 122, 128

examples of matters allowed to go to debate 125

lapse of motion 117, 122, 128

leave 125

may not be used to obtain unanimous consent 124-125, 204

may stand over 122

more than one application at the same sitting 122-123

no debate on request for leave 122

not considered a question of confidence 124

notice 123

Opening Day, not in order 126, 166

privilege, questions of 122

provision for 121-122

recent occurrences do not necessarily constitute 127-128

restrictions 122-124

Speaker's decision deferred 122

Speaker's responsibilities 121-122, 125-128

statement of matter 122, 123-124

sub judice matter cannot be raised 124, 181-182

submissions, Speaker may invite 125

time limits 122, 126, 128

time to request leave 121-122

urgency of debate — not matter 126-127

Quorum, due to lack of 93-95, 273-275

Recess 83-84, 119, 142-143, 281-282

Restrictions on adjournment debates 206-207

Time 81-85

Urgency motion 121-128

Administrative Support and Management 409-423

Overview 409-410

Administrator 5-6, 259


In general 215-218

Are subsidiary motions 215


agreements in treaty bills 251

amendment at third reading 256-257

committee stage 100, 249-252

inadmissible 250

limitation on amendments to confirm an agreement 251-252

motions at second reading, dilatory motions 243-247

on Orders of the Day 242

process to amend sections or subsections 241

Bills, Private

reprinting after 377, 379

signed by Chair 378-379

Closure motion may be made on 172, 174-175

Committee stage 249-252

report to House 253-254

requirements 100

Committees, instructions to 210-211, 345, 358

Content 216-218

Debatable 215

Dilatory motions 215, 218-221

Form 216-218

Hoist 217, 243-245, 258

Inadmissible 250

Law Clerk's powers 241, 413-414

Lieutenant Governor suggests 254

Member may not amend own motion 216


on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, notice required 202

and dropped orders 116

to proceed to another order of business as dilatory motion 219-220

putting the question on a motion 222-223

to refer, precludes 210

for referrals to committees not amendable 210-211

"that the Speaker do now leave the Chair" 101, 202

Motions, debatable 215-218

Must be in writing and signed 208

Notice of 100-101, 202, 215

Number allowed 215-216

Opening and Closing Days, out of order on 166

Orders of the Day, motion to proceed to 116, 215

Out of order 217

Points of order, raised on amendment to bill or motion 71

Reasoned 243, 245-246, 258

Referral of subject matter of a bill to select standing committee 243, 246-247, 256

Relevancy 217-218

Reply not allowed by mover 157

Report stage 252-254

Restrictions 215-218

Revised by Law Clerk 241, 413-414

Scope 216-217

Seconder required in certain cases 208-209

Separate question, once moved 158

Six months' hoist 217, 243-245, 258

Speaker's discretion re 217

Subamendments 215-216, 218, 222

Time limits on debate 170-171

Two only at same time 215-216

Withdrawal, not in absence of mover 213, 217

Answers to questions See Questions, Oral; Questions, Written

Anticipation rule 164-165

Questions, oral, re bills 324

Apologies 73, 152, 160, 280-281, 406-407

Appeals to the House

From Chair's ruling, not allowed 278

From Speaker's decision, not allowed 28, 30, 67, 70, 72

Assistant Deputy Speaker

Appointment and powers 76-79

Closure, role in 174

Role 272-273

Attendance of Members

Required 13, 44-46, 93, 391, 395

Audio broadcasts of committee proceedings 356, 418

Auditor General

Establishment 20, 290

Reports on government's summary financial statements, referral to Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts 315

Reports on Legislative Assembly, referred to Legislative Assembly Management Committee 410

Voting threshold for motions re 191

August, Cicero, Darrell and Doug 1

Australian House of Representatives

Sub judice convention 180


Bar of the House 16-17, 394-395

Barisoff, Bill (Speaker) 99, 102, 135, 175, 181, 233-234, 260, 263, 296, 299

Barnes, Emery (Speaker) 54-55, 57, 103, 119-120, 123, 126-128, 234-235, 261, 282, 406

Basis of procedure See Procedure

Beauchesne's Rules and Forms of the House of Commons of Canada 34

Bills, Private 367-381

Introduction 367-368

Advertising 371-373

Amendments 241

reprinting after 377, 379

revised by Law Clerk 413-414

signed by Chair 378-379

Applicants 370-371

Application for 371-376

deadline 372

publication of notice of time for receiving applications 371

Belong to applicant, not sponsoring Member 370

British Columbia Gazette, publication of notices in 371, 373

Certification by Law Clerk, progress after 375-376, 381

Chair signs bill with any amendments 378-379

Committee See Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills below


filed with Clerk 371

sent to Legislative Counsel 373

Distinguished from public bills 367


filed with Clerk 371

payable by certified cheque 374

remission 374

Introduction and first reading 375

Judicial nature of proceedings 368-369

Law Clerk 368, 372-375, 381, 413-414

certification of 375-376, 381

duties 413-414

keeps register of 368

prescribes payment for printing of 374

procedure, responsibility for 375, 381

publication of notice filed with 372

sends copies to Legislative Counsel 373

Legislative Counsel to receive copy 373

Member sponsoring 370-371

Nature and object 371, 373

Notice of application

adequacy of 373

copy filed with Clerk 371

publication of 371-373

variation between bill and notice 376-377

waiver of requirements for 375-376

Notice of motion not required 202

Notice of time for receiving applications, publications 371

Number of 369-370

Numbering 371

Objection to 375

Order Paper precedence 96, 112

Origins 368-369

Parliamentary agent 376

Petition 368-369

filed with Clerk 371

form of, Appendix A 365, 372

Printing of

payment for, paid by applicant 374

by Queen's Printer 374, 414

reprinting 377, 379

Private Members can sponsor 370


after certification 375-376, 381

summary of, Appendix B 381

when bill opposed 375

without certification 375-376

Purpose 367-368

Referral to Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills 346, 369-370, 377-379, 381

Register kept by Law Clerk 368

Report to House

in every case 377

preamble not proved 378-379

variance between bill and notice 376-377

Reprinting after amendment 377, 379

Second reading, placed on Orders of the Day for 378-379

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills

appointment 343

notice of meeting 377-378

referral to 346, 369-370, 377-379, 381

report to House in every case 377-379

role 378

voting 377, 380-381

Solicitors may act as parliamentary agent for 376

Stages of 368, 377-379, 381

Standing Orders

apply 380

suspension 375

Time limits on debate 168-169, 183, 277

Bills, Private Members' 232-234

Clerk examines after introduction and first reading 233

Committee stage, time limits 277

Drafting 237, 414


explanatory statement allowed 97-98, 239

no amendment or debate on 240

May not involve expenditure 234, 297-299, 302

Must be taken up in order in which they appear on Order Paper 111, 113

Notice 202, 232, 239

Numbering 232, 371

Printing 242

Restrictions on matters addressed 234

Speaker examines after introduction 297-303

Speaker's decision re 232-234

Time limits on debate 168-169, 183

Withdrawn or ruled out of order 233-234

Bills, Public 227-269

Introduction 227-228

Accelerated consideration in urgent and extraordinary occasions 260-264

overview 260-261

application 261

decisions by Speaker 261-264

only government may apply 260

result 264

supply bills 264, 312-314

Administrative arrangements 267-268

"Adopted" 299

Amending a number of miscellaneous statutes 231


additions, deletions, or substitutions by Law Clerk 241

agreements in treaty bills 251

amendment at third reading 256-257

committee stage 100, 248-252, 254

hoist 217, 243-245, 258

limitation on amendments to confirm an agreement 251-252

material repealed and re-enacted 241

motion 215

motions to amend a bill, dilatory motions 243-247

notice 100, 242

on Order Paper 242

preamble, amendment to 249

printing 253-254

reasoned amendments 243, 245-246, 258

reported 252-254

returned by message for 250, 254

revised by Law Clerk 241, 413-414

six months' hoist 217, 243-245, 258

subject matter referred to select standing committee 243, 246-247, 256

time limits on debate 170-171

two readings before 243

in writing and signed 100, 208

Appropriation of revenue, tax or impost 296-303

Blank or imperfect form 235

Casting vote 74-75


by Clerk 267-268

by Law Clerk 241, 413-414


to certify reading 267

custody of Acts 268, 411, 414

endorsement after Royal Assent 412

Closure motion may be made on stages of 172

Coming into force 8

Commencement or coming into force 259-260


distinguished from referral 248, 255

two readings before 243

Committee stage 248-252

overview 248-249

amendable and debatable 228

amendments 100, 248-252, 254

casting vote 74-75

clauses, order of consideration 248

clauses postponed or stood down 248

ending proceedings 285-287

preamble considered last 248-249

process 248-252, 271-272, 283-287

re-canvassing principles of a bill out of order 248, 277, 284

reports from 252-254, 285-286

sections passing on division 284

time limits on debate 277

title considered last 248-249

Confirming agreements 251-252

Constitution, affecting 229

Debate, stages of 237-255

Defeat of bill at second reading or third reading 258

Delegation of powers, provisions on 269

Dissolution, effect on 268

Distinguished from private bills 367

Dividing 200

Drafting 235-237

Dropped orders 240

"Dummy" bills 235

Enacting clauses 228

Endorsement after Royal Assent 412

Executive legislation 269

Formation and drafting 235-237

Government bills 229-232

Initiative petitions, resulting from 231-232

Introduction and first reading 97-98, 239-241

overview 239

administrative procedures following 241

divisions 240

explanatory statement allowed 97-98, 239

by message 239

message bills 97

motion for 239-240

must be complete 235

neither in blank nor imperfect form 235

no amendment or debate on 228, 238-240

by notice 239

notice required 202

points of order not to be raised on 240

precedence on Order Paper 112

purpose 97-98

same matter in same Session not in order 240

when to introduce 239

Law Clerk to revise and certify 241, 413-414

Making laws, Assembly's function of 8, 38, 227

Message bills 6, 8, 229-230, 234, 239, 289, 296-298

Miscellaneous statutes bills 231

Money bills, restrictions 296-303

Negatived, not to be reintroduced in same Session 192, 240

Numbering 229, 371

Objection, when taken 298-299

Omnibus bills 231

Order Paper precedence on 96, 112

Orders of the Day, placed on 242

Parliamentary committee must be appointed before bill referred 246, 256

"Passed" 299

Preamble, distinguished from granting or enacting words 249

Precedence on Order Paper 96, 112

Principle of, not to be altered by amendments 250

Printed and distributed before second reading 242

Printed, reprinted after amendment 253-254

Printing and distribution 97

Private Members' Bills See Bills, Private Members'

Pro forma bills 203, 230

Proceedings 237-255

Prorogation, effect on 268

Purpose 367

Questions to Members on bills 326

Readings vs. stages 237-238

Recommittal 256-258

by decision of Legislative Assembly 256-257

by Lieutenant Governor 257-258


distinguished from committal 248, 255

to select standing committee 203, 255-256, 345-346

Regulations 269

Repealed 214

Report stage 252-253, 284

bill reprinted 253-254

debate 228, 238, 252

proceeding at third reading 253-254

Reported without amendments, read for third time 254

Reprinted after amendment 254

Revised and certified by Law Clerk 241, 413-414

Royal Assent 8, 258-259

Ruled out of order 212

Second reading 241-247

overview 241-242

after bill printed and distributed 242

amendable and debatable 228, 238, 242-247

amendment defeated, mover cannot speak again 170

amendments 254

amendments on Order Paper, no effect on second reading 242

before committal or amendment 243

conclusion of debate 243

defeat of bill 258

dilatory motions 243-247, 255

hoist amendment 217, 243-245, 258

hoist amendment, form of 245

motions debatable 205

motions to amend a bill 243-247

objections taken on 236, 298-299

Order Paper precedence 112

principle debated on 238

reasoned amendment 243, 245-246, 258

reasoned amendment, form of 246

six months' hoist amendment 217, 243-245, 258

six months' hoist amendment, form of 245

subject matter referred to select standing committee 243, 246-247, 256

subject matter referred to select standing committee, form of motion 247

time allocation 264-265

time limits on debate 168

urgent or extraordinary occasions 260

Severing 200, 234-235

Sponsor 284

Stages of 237-255

closure motion may be made on 172

Order Paper precedence 112

overview 237-238

time allocation 264-265

Stages vs. readings 237-238

Statute revision 268-269

Sub judice convention 177-179

Subject matter

not referred to Committee of the Whole 246

referred to committee 243, 246-247, 256

Supply bills 230-231, 264, 311-314

Third reading 254-255

after report 254

amendable and debatable 228, 238

amendment at 254-255

casting vote 74-75

debate 254-255

declared null and void 214

defeat of bill 258

dilatory motions 255

discharged 256

motions debatable 205

motions to amend a bill 243-247

negatived 254

not until amended bill reprinted 254

Order Paper precedence 112

recommittal 256-257

time allocation 264-265

urgent or extraordinary occasions 260

Three readings

on different days 238

on one day 238, 260-264

Time allocation on bills 175, 264-267

Time limits on debate 168-170, 183, 277

Two with same subject matter, ruled out of order 211-212

Types of bills 228-235

Urgent and extraordinary occasions See Accelerated consideration in urgent and extraordinary occasions above

Withdrawn 240, 258

Withdrawn, another with same matter may progress 240

Black Rod 19

Board of Internal Economy 409

Bolton, Clifford (Soō—Natz) 19

Bosley, John (Speaker) 322

Brewin, Gretchen (Speaker) 114-115, 200, 204-205, 326


In elections 55-57, 396

Members 55-56

British Columbia

History and Indigenous heritage 1-2, 15

Joins Canada 2, 386

British Columbia Gazette

Notice of private bill published in 371, 373

Notice of time for receiving applications for private bill published in 371

British North America Act, 1867 2-4

Broadcasts of debates 417-419

Brockelbank, John (Speaker) 297-298

Brown, Douglas (Speaker)(U.K.) 206


Consultation process 292

Motion 291, 293-295

Process 290-295

Speech 291, 293

Budget Debate

Amendments 208

Amendments disposed of on fourth day 168

Amendments, time limits 170-171

Interruption by other House business 110, 169

Main motion disposed of on sixth day 168

Presentation and debate 291-295

Purpose 110

Scope 294

Time limits 168-169, 183, 293-295

Business Corporations Act 370

Business of the House 81-128

Introduction 81

Adjourned debates on motions 113-116

Adjournment See Adjournment of the House

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Under consideration at adjournment 113

Cross-party consultation 14

Daily Routine Business 95-96

Monday morning 101-104, 111-112

Government control of 111-112, 117-120

Interruption of business by clock 86-91

Management and coordination 12-14 See also Government House Leader

Orders of the Day See Orders of the Day

Precedence for bills 96, 112

Private Members 98-99, 101-104, 111-112

Prorogation, effect on 224-225

Records, Clerk's responsibility for safekeeping 411-412, 414

Routine Business 95-117

Unanimous consent, does not constitute a precedent 205


Cabinet solidarity 11

Calendar, Parliamentary 85-86

Adjournment weeks 82

Clerk publishes 81-82, 85

Proclamations may change 85

Spring and fall sitting periods 83, 85


B.C. joins 2

Constitution 2-5

History of federation 2

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 4, 8, 41, 383

Capital Planning and Development department

Role and services 416

Cass, Frederick (Speaker) 94, 179

Casting vote 73-76 See also Voting

Chair of Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills no longer has 381

Closure motions 76

Committee Chair, obligation to give 350-351


obligation to give 74, 76, 185

reasons, when stated, to be entered in Journals 74, 76

Caucus Chairs

Role and activities 12, 14

Caucus meetings 14

Caucus Whips

Role and activities 12-14, 97-99, 102, 112, 131, 148, 395

Selection of Private Members' Statements 102

Selection of two-minute statements by Members 13, 98-99


Bills, Private 375-376, 381

Bills, Public

by Clerk 267-268

by Law Clerk 241, 413-414

Committee witnesses, statement of claim 347

Chair, Committee of the Whole See also Deputy Speaker

Actions of, criticized 277

Closure, role in 171-174


no appeal 278

no debate 278

Designation 272-273

Disciplinary powers 136-143, 278-282

Disorderly conduct of Members, powers to address 136-143, 278-282

Division bells, may decline to ring 274


during consideration of bills 284-285

during quorum 274-275

Grave disorder, recesses sitting 142-143, 281-282

Leaving chair 285-286

without question put 286

Motions in abuse of rules and privileges, rejects 223

Naming a Member 138, 279-281

Order and decorum, enforces 223, 278-282

Orders withdrawal of comments considered offensive 152

Orders withdrawal of Member 136-138, 278-280

Orders withdrawal of strangers 144-146


makes the count for 273-275

procedure in absence of 273-275

Recesses committee in event of grave disorder 142-143, 281-282

Relevancy rule, enforces 163, 275-277, 307

Report to House

reports Member for disorderly conduct 278-281

reports on question of privilege 283

reports progress 285-286

Role and powers 77-79, 272-273, 277-282

Rotating motions, discretion to disallow 119

Summary powers 136-143, 278-282

Takes chair 78


Concurrent proceedings 77, 186, 291, 304-306, 418

Decorum and etiquette 92, 131-132, 187, 189

Infant being cared for by a Member 31, 144-146

Members' role in 38

Operations 412-413

Seating 13, 16, 131-132, 148

Chamber Attendants 132, 146, 422

Chief Committee Clerk See Clerk of Committees

Chief Electoral Officer

Establishment 20

Role re initiative petitions 231-232

Speaker receives reports from 411

Chief Legislative Counsel

Role re statute revision 268

Chouhan, Raj (Deputy Speaker) 175, 250

Clerk Assistant

Speaker, presides over election in absence of Clerk 412

Clerk of Committees

Role and duties 359, 413

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly 410-412 See also Office of the Clerk

Accounting for fees collected under Standing Orders 412

Administrative responsibilities 63, 410

Appointment 411


certification 267-268

endorsement of Acts 412

keeps custody of Acts 268, 411, 414

statute revision 268-269

Bills, Private 371, 376-378

petition, bill, fees, filed with 371

publication of notice of time for receiving applications for 371

Bills, Private Members', examination after introduction and first reading 233

Committees, parliamentary, posts lists of 343

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Duties 410-412

in absence of Speaker 411

Journals, prepares 412, 422

Member's declaration of attendance, retention 46, 395

Motions, consultation on 199

Oath of allegiance, administration 43, 411

Officers and Clerks, direction and control over 411-412

Orders of the Day

placed on Speaker's Table by 412

responsibility for 412, 422

Parliamentary agent, issuance of certificate for 376-377

Parliamentary calendar, publishes 81-82, 85

Petitions, examination 99, 363-364

Questions, written

consultation on 100

power to sub-edit 331-332

Records of the House, responsibility for safekeeping 411-412, 414

Representative responsibilities 39

Role and duties 410-412

Role re Legislative Assembly Management Committee 410

Royal Assent, role 259

Seating at Table 16

Security of tabled documents, responsibility for 412

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills, posting of notices of meetings 377-378

Sergeant-at-Arms, consultation with 63


announces unavoidable absence of 79

consultation with 63

duties in absence of 411

election of, presides over 64-66

Speaker may give orders to 411-412

Votes and Proceedings, prepares 412, 422


authorizes payment to 347

takes affidavits from 411

Clerks See Clerk Assistant; Clerk of Committees; Committee Clerk; Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees; Law Clerk; Table Officers

Closing Day See also Prorogation

Motions on 166

Closure 171-175

Abuse of motion 171-172

Chair's role 171-174

Committee of the Whole 174

During debate on amendments 172, 174-175

Deputy Speaker's powers restricted 79

Distinguished from time allocation 175

Examples in B.C. 174

Notice not required 172, 203

Presiding Officers, role 172-174

Procedure 173

Speaker or Deputy Speaker must be in the chair 172-173

Speaker's casting vote on closure motions 76

Speaker's role 171-174

Coalition governments 6, 11

Committal of bills

Distinguished from referral 248, 255

Committee Clerk

Certification of claims of witnesses 347

Presides over selection of Committee Chair 349

Committee Clerk (Chief) See Clerk of Committees

Committee of Supply 303-314

Appointment 303-304

motion for, is not debatable 304

Closing of estimates 311, 314

Committee A 304-306

Committee B 304-306

Committee C 304-305

Crown revenues, motion affecting, out of order 302-303

Debate, content and scope 307-308

Deputy Ministers permitted to answer questions 305

Divided into two or three sections 304-306

divisions during 188-190, 305, 310

same estimates vote considered in two sections 306

Divisions during 188-190, 305, 310

Electronic devices, use 135-136

Grant, cannot be increased or destination altered 309-310

Lapsing of, prevention 315

Legislation cannot be discussed in 308

Ministry officials assist 305-306, 307

Ministry officials permitted to be present 145

Motion for House to go into 291, 293-295

amendment to 202

notice required 202

seconder required for 208, 215, 293

Motions for adoption, debatable 205


dividing the committee does not constitute a question of 305

questions of, raised in 406

Procedure simplified 310, 315-316

Procedure upon completion of estimates 311, 314

Procedures when divided in two or three sections 304-306, 310

Proceedings 306-311

Referral of estimates to select standing committee 203, 304, 345-346

Relevancy rule when debating votes 307

Report from, no debate or amendment 310-311

Reports progress 310-311

Reports resolution 311, 314

Role 271

Rotating motions, discretion to disallow 119

Sessional Order

decisions 305

divides committee into two or three sections 304-306

divisions 305, 310

report to House 311

Strangers present during estimates 145

Subjects which cannot be discussed in 308

Supply bills 230-231, 264, 311-314

Time limits 169, 183, 294, 308-309

Time management 306-307

Vote amount reduced 309-310

Vote cannot be increased or destination altered 309-310

Votes when divided into two or three sections 188-190, 305, 310

Votes within estimates

order called in 306, 309

referred to select standing committee 203, 304, 345-346

Committee of Ways and Means 310, 315-316

Committee Research Services 359, 422

Committee stage See Bills, Public

Committees See Committee of Supply; Committees of the Whole; Parliamentary Committees

Committees of the Whole 271-287

Introduction 271


clauses of, order of consideration 248

function on 248-249, 271-272, 283-287

Casting vote 74-75

Chair See Chair, Committee of the Whole

Closure motions 174

Debate, rules 275-277

Deputy Chair See Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole

Discussion, unable to conclude 285

Disorder in 278-282

Chair may recess 142-143, 281-282

report to House 278-281

Divided into two or three sections during Committee of Supply 304-306

Divisions in

may be deferred 190

recorded in Votes and Proceedings 187

Electronic devices, use 135-136

Ending proceedings

motion resulting in dropped order 286

motion to leave the chair 285-286

History 271-272

Members, number of times may speak 275

Ministry officials permitted to be present 145, 284

Motion to leave the chair 285-286

Motions for adoption, debatable 205

Motions negatived in, may be made again 191, 210-211

Naming a Member 138, 279-281

Order and decorum in 278-282

Origin of money resolutions 316

Pecuniary interest and voting rights provisions for Members 53

Points of order in 282

Presiding Officers, duties and powers 272-273, 277-282

Privilege, questions of, raised in 282-283, 406


in Chamber 272-273

in designated committee rooms 273

Question not to be put twice in 211-212

Quorum in 273-275

Referral of matters to, precludes amendments 210-211

Relevancy rule in 163, 275-277, 307

Report to House 286-287

Reports from

brought up without question put 286

Chair leaves chair without question put 286

on disorder 278-281

not debatable or amendable 287

Reports on bills 252-253

Reports progress 248, 285-286

Resolving into Committee of the Whole 272-273

Role in consideration of bills 283-287

Speaker's right to debate in 74

Standing Orders, observed in 275, 353-354, 380

Subject matter of bill not referred to 246

Suspension of a Member 138-141, 279-281

Time limits 169, 183, 277

Withdrawal of a Member 279-281

Committees, Standing and Special See Parliamentary Committees

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

B.C. branch positions 39

B.C. participation and conferences 39

Comptroller General 290

Confidence convention 6-7

Election of Speaker not considered a question of confidence 65

Matters of confidence 6-7, 10, 38, 124, 169, 202, 295

Speaker does not determine issues of 7, 70

Conflict of interest

Cases and disciplinary actions 395

Disclosure requirements 53-55

Private interest definition 53-54

Recusal process 54-55

Requirements on voting and speaking rights of Members 49-53

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

Appointment, voting threshold 191

Establishment 20

Recommendations 395

Role 53-55

Constituency offices

Establishment 9

Funding and operations 40, 44

Requirements and closing 44

Support services 416, 419-420


Bills affecting 229

Subversion of 56

Constitution Act, 1867 2-6, 8, 23, 386

Constitutional conventions 5-6, 23

Constitutional framework 2-6, 23-24

Contempt 388-389, 396-397

Corrupt practices 55-57, 396

Courts of justice

Reference to 161


Access to the Crown 62-63, 234, 387, 393

Definition 5

Powers 6

Prerogatives 295

prorogation 166

public money 295-296

taxation and expenditure 234, 289, 295-303, 309-310

treaty agreements 251

Revenues, motion affecting, out of order 302-303

Curtailment of debate See Closure

Customs or usages See Procedure


Davidson, Walter (Deputy Speaker) 67-68

Davidson, Walter (Speaker) 33, 137-138, 204-205, 244

Davie, Cyril (Speaker) 319-320, 333-338

Debate, Rules of 155-183

Introduction 155

Addressing Speaker or Chair 147-149, 275

Adjournment debates, restrictions 206-207

Adjournment motions, no debate on 117-120

Adjournment to a particular day, scope of debate on motion for 206-207

Amendments, speaking on 157-158, 170-171

Bills 237-255

overview 237-238

introduction, debate not allowed 238-239

second reading, debate usually on second reading 238, 241

committee stage 248-249

third reading 254-255

"Bona fide" debate 118

Closing remarks 208

Closing remarks, time limit 170

Closure 171-175

Speaker's role 76

Committee of the Whole 275-277

Content rules 161-166

Debate on proposed amendments may continue pending Speaker's ruling 71

Decorum See Order and decorum

Disorderly conduct See Order and decorum

Division bells, debate not permitted after ringing of 187

Election of Speaker, not allowed during 64

Electronic devices, use 134-136

Evidence before parliamentary committees not discussed in House 355-356

Freedom of speech and debate, limitations 164, 387, 389-391


by clock 86-91

generally 132-134

rules for minimizing during debate 132-136

Irrelevance 150, 162-163, 275-277, 307

Language, offensive See Language, Offensive or disrespectful

Language other than English 152-153, 419

Manner and right of speech 155-160

Matters referred to parliamentary committee may be debated after committee reports 355-356


adjourning debate unsuccessfully may not speak again 158

"be now heard," as dilatory motion 221

"be now heard" or "do now speak" 156-157

ceases speaking 148, 163

conduct in question 395

desiring to speak 147-148

directs comments to Chair 148, 275

explanation of speech 159-160

may not draw attention to absence of other Members 44-45

place of speaking, assigned seat 132, 148

reading speeches 133, 135

referred to by constituency name or portfolio title 148

reply, right of 155-160, 170

resumes seat 69, 136, 148

speaking twice to a question 157-160

two or more Members rise to speak, precedence 156-157, 221

unsuccessfully moving adjournment 158


for Committee of Supply, not debatable 304

debatable 205-207

not debatable 206-207

receivable when question under debate 215

Number of times Member may speak in committee 275

Opportunities for 9

Oral Question Period

anticipation rule 324

debate not permitted in 321

Order and decorum See Order and decorum

Orders of the Day, no debate allowed on motion to proceed to 116

Points of order See Points of order

Privilege questions See Privilege

Pro forma matters 166

Publication of 63, 393-394

Question may be read when required 164

Recanvassing principle of bill out of order 248, 277, 284

Recognition of Member to speak 62, 147-148, 156-157, 221

Relevance 150, 162-163, 275-277, 307

Repetition 163

Repetition, Speaker's discretion re 275-276


closes debate 157, 160

right of 155-160, 170

Respectful language in debate 150-153

Speaker's decisions not debatable 67, 70

Speaker's participation in debate 74

Speaking lists 148

Sub judice convention 175-182, 390-391

Time, efficient use of time 275-276

Time limits 167-171, 183, 275, 277, 293-295, 308-309

Unparliamentary language See Language, Offensive or disrespectful

Votes of House, reflection on 164, 191

Debates, Recording of 417-419 See also Hansard

Language other than English 153, 419


under control and custody of Speaker 417

evidence of words spoken by Members 417

terms of use, publication, etc. 417


alterations to 417, 419

distinguished from Official Record of House proceedings 417-418

official online report 419

prepared and distributed 417

publication and broadcast 63, 417-419


May constitute precedents 32

Not subject to appeal to House 28, 30, 67, 70, 72


challenged in guise of question of privilege 71-73, 134, 399

decisions not debatable 67, 70

states reasons for 67, 70-71, 76

Decorum See Order and decorum

Democracy 2-4, 10, 24, 319, 361

Departments of the Legislative Assembly 415-423

Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole

Appointment 76-79, 272-273

Closure, role in restricted 174

Role and powers 76-79, 272-273, 277-282

Speaker's absence, takes chair in 79

Deputy Clerk

Speaker, presides over election in absence of Clerk 412

Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees 413

Appointment 413

Role and duties 413

Deputy Speaker See also Chair, Committee of the Whole

Appointment 76-79

Assistant Deputy Speaker 76-79

Closure motion

limitation of power to accept 79

must be in Chair for 172-173

Oral Question Period, takes chair 326

Powers 76-79

Role and duties 77-79, 272-273

Speaker's absence, takes chair in 78-79

Designated speaker

Assignment and notice 171

Time limits on debate 171

Digital Information Office

Role 416

Dilatory motions

Are subsidiary motions 197-198, 218

Do not require notice or seconders 218

Rejection 223, 278

Substantive vs. dilatory motions 118

Use 165-166, 215, 218-221

Use and definition 116-118

Use and restrictions 218-221, 285

Use to amend a bill 243-247, 255

Who may move 218

Dining Room 423

Disorder See Order and decorum

Dissolution 6-7, 359

Bills, effect on 268

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Motions, effect on 224-225

Parliamentary committees, effect on 359

Terminates a Parliament 268


Bills, Public 200

Motions 200

Division bells See also Divisions

Ringing of, stops debate 187


by Chair 274

for quorum call 93-94, 273-275

by Speaker 187

when division called 187-188

Divisions 185-192 See also Casting vote; Division bells; Voting

Introduction 185

Bells 187-188

Casting vote 73-76

Committee of Supply 188-190, 305, 310

Committee stage of a bill 284

During concurrent proceedings 188-190

Debate not permitted after bells have been rung 187

Deferral of 190

notice not required 203

On division 186, 222-223

Electronic devices, use 135

Errors in 188

Five minute period 187-188

Introduction and first reading of bill 240


missed or incorrectly called names 188

not to enter or leave after final statement of question 187, 189

present must vote 187, 189

to remain seated 188

requirement to vote 187, 189

No one opposes or nemine contradicente 188

Parliamentary committees 188, 191

Points of order during 188-189

Member speaks while sitting 189

Private Members' Time 96

Private Members' Time, deferral 190

Privilege, questions during 189

Procedure 186-189

Recorded in Votes and Proceedings 187

Requirement to proceed once called 188

Requirement to vote 187, 189

Speaker's duties during 185-189

Stages leading to division 187-188

Statement of question by Speaker 187

Strangers, not present during 146

Time requirements 187-188

Voice votes recorded 186

Dowding, Gordon (Speaker) 83, 88-91


Guidelines 149

Pins or ribbons 149

Dropped orders 113-116, 220

And amendment motions 116

Bills, may be revived 240

Committee of the Whole 286

And quorum 95, 274

Reinstatement by motion 113-116


Election of Members 40-42

Bribery or corrupt practices 55-57, 396

By-elections 43, 395, 411

Election of Speaker 63-66

Electoral districts 40

Electronic devices, use 134-136

Restrictions 135

Use by ministry officials 135-136

Ellis, Kevin (Speaker)(New South Wales) 109

English House of Commons See United Kingdom House of Commons

Erskine May's Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament 34

Esquimalt Nation

History, lands and cultural traditions 1-2, 15

Land agreement with government 15

Estimates See also Committee of Supply

Referral of estimates to select standing committee 203, 304, 345-346

Executive Council

Cabinet solidarity 11

Role 4, 6, 10, 23

Executive legislation 269


Motions not submitted during the course of 159

Personal statements distinguished from explanations 159-160

Of purpose of bill allowed on introduction 97-98

Speaker, discretion of 159-160

Of speech 157, 159-160


Final supply 230-231, 264, 312, 314

Financial procedures 289-316

Introduction 289-291

Budget presentation and debate 291-295

Committee of Supply 303-314

Financial cycle 291-292

Legislation 289-290

Practices and procedures 289-295

Public Accounts 58, 315

Royal Recommendation and votes involving public money 289, 295-303

Supply bills 230-231, 264, 311-314

Financial Services department

Role and services 416

First Nations peoples See Indigenous peoples

FitzRoy, Edward (Speaker)(U.K.) 50, 281

Food and beverages in Chamber 131

Franks, C.E.S. 24, 195

Freedom of speech

And debate, limitations 164, 387, 389-391

Sub judice convention 390-391


General Rule (Standing Order 1) 32


Accountability and oversight 7-8, 38

Chamber seating 16, 131

Coalition governments 6, 11

Confidence convention 6-7

Forming government 4-7, 10-11

"High public servants," reference to 308

Legislative agenda, completion by agreement 266

Majority and minority governments 6-7, 10-11

Responsible government 4-5, 10, 23-24, 319

Role 38

Government bills See Bills, Public

Government House Leader

Adjournment motions 84, 114, 118-120, 206, 220

Determines of business of the House 13, 109, 111, 118-120, 169, 205, 209, 218-220

Legislative agenda, completion by agreement 14, 266

May escort new Speaker to chair 66

May refer estimates to select standing committee 304, 345-346

Motion for accelerated consideration of bill in urgent and extraordinary occasions 261

Motions without notice, has more latitude in 205

Proposes time allocation on bills 265-267

Role and responsibilities 12-14

Suspension of a Member, moves motion 140, 163, 280-281

Time management in Committee of Supply 306

Governor General 4-5

Reference to 161, 308, 324


In Committee of Supply, cannot be increased or destination altered 309-310

Grave disorder See Order and decorum

Gross disorder See Order and decorum



Alterations or corrections to 417, 419

Language other than English 153, 419

Prayers and Reflections not transcribed 97

Products and services 417-419

Publication of debates 63, 393-394

Terms of use, publication, etc. 63, 417

Transcripts and broadcasts, parliamentary committees 356, 418

Use of term 417

Hansard Services

Products and services 417-419

Role and history 417-419

Hartley, Bill (Deputy Speaker) 251-252

Hartley, Bill (Speaker) 159, 176, 262, 329

"High public servants"

Reference to 308

Hoist amendments 243-245

Adoption of 258

Form of 245

Motion for, not open to amendment 244

Out of order 217

House See also Legislative Assembly

Adjournment See Adjournment of the House

Business See Business of the House

Committee, evidence before, not to be discussed in 355-356

Divisions See Divisions

Members to attend 13, 44-46, 93, 391, 395

Procedure See Procedure


lack of 93-95, 273-275

ten Members required to form 92-93, 273

Records, Clerk's responsibility for safekeeping 411-412, 414

Sittings See Sittings of the House

Strangers 144-147

Times of sitting and adjournment 82, 86

House Leaders

May escort new Speaker to chair 66

Role and responsibilities 12-14 See also Government House Leader

House of Commons of Canada

Parliamentary procedure 33-34

Sub judice convention 179

House of Commons of the United Kingdom See United Kingdom House of Commons

House of Commons Procedure and Practice 34

Hughes, Ted 55

Human Resource Operations department

Role and services 419

Human Rights Commissioner 20, 191

Hypothetical questions

Questions 322, 332, 334

Speaker, rulings not required on 70



Definition 300-301

Votes, resolutions, addresses or bills related to 296-303

In camera meetings

"In private" House proceedings 144

Parliamentary committees 347, 352-353, 379

Inaugural speeches 110, 156, 294

Independent Members 12, 348

Independent Officers See Statutory Officers

Indigenous peoples

Addresses to the Legislative Assembly 16

Agreements with government 15-16

Contributions to parliamentary symbols 19-20

History, lands and cultural traditions 1-2, 15

Knowledge Totem 1

Reconciliation 1, 19-20

Rights 4, 8

Talking Stick 19-20

Treaty agreements 251

Infant being cared for by a Member 31, 144-146

Information and Privacy Commissioner 20, 191

Information Technology department

Role and services 419-420

Initiative petitions 231-232

Application and legislation 231-232

Initiative vote 232

Interim supply 230-231, 264, 312

Intermediate proceedings 117-119, 220, 285

Interparliamentary organizations 39

Interruption of business by clock 86-91 See also Procedure; Supersedence rule

Business transacted after 87-91

Completion of routine matters 86-91

Member interrupted by adjournment recognized at next sitting 156

Opposed business not taken 87-88

Procedure following 86-87

Supersedence rule 91

"Unless otherwise ordered," application of 83-84


Rules for minimizing during debate 132-136

Introduction and first reading See Bills, Public

Introductions by Members 97, 132

Irwin, Thomas (Speaker) 176, 180, 189


Journals of the House See also Votes and Proceedings

Bill has passed, fact shown in 267

Casting vote, Speaker's reasons entered in 74, 76

Clerk, prepares 412, 422

Divisions, entered in 187

"Intermediate proceedings" entered in 118, 220, 285

Publication 63, 418, 422

Questions and replies entered in 331, 339

Quorum, lack of, time and names of Members present entered in 93, 274


Reference to 150, 161, 308


Keen, John (Speaker) 257-258

Knowledge Totem 1


Lamoureux, Lucien (Speaker) 210, 236

Language, Offensive or disrespectful 150-153

Criticism of specific judges or legal decisions 150

Disrespectful or offensive language forbidden

re Members 150-151, 161-162, 390

re non-Members 161, 308, 324

Members not to quote another Member's words 151

Transgression areas 150-151, 308

Use 69

Withdrawal and apology required 152

Language, Other than English

In debates 152-153, 419

Lapse provision 113-117

Law Clerk 413-414


revises amendments 241, 413-414

revises and certifies 241, 413-414

Bills, Private, duties re 368, 372-375, 381, 413-414

certification 375-376, 381

keeps register of 368

prescribes payment for printing of 374

procedure, responsibility for 375, 381

publication of notice filed with 372

sends copies to Legislative Counsel 373

Bills, Private Members', consultation on 237, 414

Role and duties 413-414

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills, assists 375, 413-414

Statutes, responsibility for preparation and printing 413-414


Government House Leader

adjournment motions 84, 114, 118-120, 206, 220

determines business of the House 13, 109, 111, 118-120, 169, 205, 209, 218-220

legislative agenda, completion by agreement 14, 266

may escort new Speaker to chair 66

may refer estimates to select standing committee 304, 345-346

motion for accelerated consideration of bill in urgent and extraordinary occasions 261

motions without notice, has more latitude in 205

proposes time allocation on bills 265-267

suspension of a Member, moves motion 140, 163, 280-281

time management in Committee of Supply 306

House Leaders 12-14

Leader of the Official Opposition 12

response to Ministerial Statements 104-106, 156

seen first in question period 156

May escort new Speaker to chair 66

Reply to Ministerial Statements by leaders of recognized parties 104-106, 156

Time limits for debate 167-169, 183


Adjournment motions on matters of urgent public importance, may not proceed with unanimous consent 124-125, 204

Requirements for, when withdrawing motions 212-213

Legislative Assembly 1-21 See also Legislative Precinct; Parliament Buildings

History 1-2, 5

Access 414-415, 420, 422

Accountability and oversight role 7-8

Accountability and transparency 58

Addresses by non-Members 27

Administration 16, 62-63, 66, 327, 409-410

Administrative support and management 409-423

Authority 26, 32-34

Authorizing public expenditures and taxes 8, 25, 289-291

votes involving public money 289, 295-303

Bar of the House 16-17, 394-395

Board of Internal Economy 409

Business See Business of the House

Capital planning and development 416

Chamber See Chamber

Clerk See Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Confidence convention 6-7

Constitutional framework 2-6, 23-25

Delegation of powers to committees 397

Departments 415-423

Digital information management 416

Disciplinary powers 387, 394-397

Distribution of documents 415, 422

Employees 63, 415-416

Facility and maintenance services 415, 420

Financial services 416

Functions 7-9

Furniture, moveable property, fittings, etc. 414

Governance 409-410

Human resources 419

and Indigenous heritage 1-2

Information technology 419-420

Legislative offices 40, 44

Making laws 8, 38, 227

Management 409-423 See also Legislative Assembly Management Committee

Members See Members

Ministerial responsibility 11

Parliamentary procedure See Procedure

Parliamentary symbols 17-20

Payroll services 419

Permanent officers of the Legislative Assembly 392, 410-415

Physical area, right to control access 394

Political parties, government and opposition 9-14


to act as court 396

to discipline and punish 387, 394-397

to provide for its due composition 387, 394-395

requests for papers, records and information 388, 397-399

witnesses, summons of 388, 397-399

Privileges, immunities and powers 3-5, 386-388, 393-399 See also Privilege

Procedure See Procedure


definition 384-385, 394

transcripts and broadcasts 356, 417-419

Public education and outreach 423

Publication of debates, documents and papers, right to control 63, 393-394

Regulates its own proceedings 26, 32-34, 203, 387, 393-394

Safety and security 63, 414-415, 420

Staff 63, 415-416

Standing Orders 25-29

Statutory Officers 20-21, 411

Statutory provisions 5, 25, 29, 409-410

Website 419-420

Legislative Assembly Management Committee

Auditor General reports on the Legislative Assembly, referred to 410

Chair 63, 327, 409-410

Clerk's role re 410

Decisions on Assembly administration and policies 29, 44-45, 58, 409-410, 415

History 409

Membership and activities 14

Role 409-410

facilities and services for Members 40

funding of recognized parties 10

parliamentary procedure 29

sets deduction rate for non-attendance of Members 45

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Procedure followed in absence of quorum 93-95, 274-275

Legislative Assembly Protective Services

Role and services 420

Legislative Counsel See Office of Legislative Counsel

Legislative Facility Services department

Role and services 420

Legislative Librarian 420-421

Legislative Library 420-422

Admission to, during Session 420-421

Annual report 420-421

Books not to be removed during Session 421

Catalogue and collection 420-422

History 15

History and location 421

Management and oversight 63, 421

Services and digital resources 421-422

Speaker, controls and manages 420-421

Use of, during Session 420-422

Legislative offices 40, 44

Legislative Precinct See also Parliament Buildings

Capital planning and development 416

Definition 15

and Indigenous heritage 1-2, 15

Knowledge Totem 1

Member's presence in, constitutes attendance 45

Public use of grounds 16

Safety and security 63, 414-415, 420

Legislative Press Gallery 17, 414-415

Legislative Procedure Review Act 29

Legislative Process 227-269 See also Bills, Public

Lekwungen-speaking peoples See Esquimalt Nation; Songhees Nation

Lenthall, William (Speaker)(U.K.) 61

Library See Legislative Library

Lieutenant Governor

Absence and Administrator appointment 5-6, 259

Appointment 5

Bills presented to 254

Proclamations, supersede sitting schedule 85

Recommittal of bill 257-258

Reference to 161, 308, 324

Role 4-6, 359, 372

Royal Assent, role in 6, 8, 259

Votes of public money recommended by 296-303

Long adjournment motion See Adjournment of the House

Lovick, Dale (Speaker) 71-73, 153, 210, 312-313



History and symbolism 18, 43

Members not to pass between Chair and Mace 132

Placement 18, 66, 78-79, 84, 90-92, 273, 284

Sergeant-at-Arms responsibility for safekeeping of 414-415

MacMinn, E. George (Clerk) See also Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia

Reports on parliamentary procedure 29

Majority and minority governments 6-7, 10-11

Mann Brewin, Gretchen (Speaker) See Brewin, Gretchen (Speaker)

Matters of urgent public importance, motions for See Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance under Adjournment of the House

Members 37-58

Introduction 37


absence or presence not to be signalled 44-45

leave of 44-46

not question of privilege 44-45

Accountability and oversight role 38, 319

Additional parliamentary and caucus roles 39

Address Speaker or Chair 147-149, 275

Apologies 73, 152, 160, 280-281, 406-407

Appointment to a government office or other public employment involving compensation 53


declaration form 46, 395

presence in precinct 45

required 13, 44-46, 93, 391, 395

role of Caucus Whips 13, 395

statutory deduction for non-attendance 45-46, 395

Becoming a Member of the House of Commons of Canada 48

Bills, Private, duties re 370-371

Bribery or corrupt practices 55-57

By-election 43, 395, 411

Caucus responsibilities 40

Cease speaking 148, 163, 276

In the Chamber 38

Chamber decorum and etiquette 92, 131-132, 187, 189

Chamber seating 13, 131-132, 148

Clothing See Dress below

Code of conduct 49

Compensation 57

voting on salaries 51, 54

Conduct of See also Disorderly conduct of Members below

explanation 159-160

minimizing interruptions during debate 132-136

motions concerning 124, 143, 151, 395

statements regarding own conduct 143, 395

when conduct in question, no longer required to withdraw 143

Conflict of interest

cases and disciplinary actions 395

disclosure requirements 53-55

private interest definition 53-54

recusal process 54-55

requirements on voting and speaking rights of Members 49-53

Constituency offices 9, 40, 44, 416, 419-420

Constitutional role 383-384

Death 45, 47

Debate rules See Debate, Rules of

Decorum See Order and decorum

Desiring to speak, from assigned place 147

Disorderly conduct of Members 136-143

discipline and punishment 394-396

grave disorder 142-143, 281-282

naming a Member 138-141, 163, 279-281

ordered to withdraw 136-138, 141, 163, 278-280, 354-355

suspended 138-142, 163, 279-281, 354-355

yielding the floor 148

Disqualified from voting may speak or make amendments 52

Dress 149

Dual citizenship 49

Election of 40-42

bribery or corrupt practices 55-57, 396

by-election 43, 395, 411

eligibility requirements 41-42

Electronic devices, use 31, 134-136

Exemption from attendance as a witness 387, 391-392

Exemption from jury duty 387, 391-392

Expense information and disclosure 58

Expulsion 394-395

Financial services 416

Forfeiture of a Member's seat 48-49

Former Members, attendance at proceedings 145

Freedom from arrest in civil actions 387, 391-392

Freedom from obstruction, interference and intimidation 387, 392

Freedom of speech and debate, limitations 164, 387, 389-391

Human resources and payroll services 419

Inaugural speeches 110, 156, 294

Independent Members 12, 348

Infant being cared for by a Member 31, 144-146

Information technology and Help Desk 419-420

Interparliamentary organizations, participation in 39

Interruptions 132-136

Introductions by Members 97, 132

Law-making role 38, 227

Leave policy 45

Legislative offices 40, 44

Library resources 421-422

May request Votes and Proceedings show motion carried or defeated on division 186

Misquotation or misrepresentation 134, 157, 160

Misquoted or misunderstood

may explain 157, 159-160

in news publications 160

Motions, may vote against their own 209

Naming a Member 138-141, 163, 279-281

New Members, services 43-44

Non-returning Members, transition 44, 47

Not to criticize Speaker 67-68, 70, 73, 151

Number of Members 40-41

Oath of allegiance 42-43, 411

Offer of money to 55-57

Order and decorum See Order and decorum

Ordered to withdraw 136-138, 141, 163, 278-280, 354-355

Orientation services 43-44

Parliamentary committees

appearing as witness 399

service on 39, 341-359

Pecuniary interest and voting rights 49-53

Personal statements and explanations 159-160

Petitions, duties re 362-364

Photography of proceedings not permitted 135-136

Political party affiliations 10

Private Members' Statements 101-104, 111-112

Privileges, immunities and powers 387, 389-392 See also Privilege

Questions on bills or motions 326

Recognition by Speaker or Chair 62, 147-148, 156-157, 221

Recording of audio or video of proceedings not permitted 135-136

Remuneration 57

voting on salaries 51, 54

Representative role 9, 38-39, 362

Requirement to vote 187, 189

Research and reference services 421-422

Resignation 47, 159-160, 411

Rising simultaneously 156-157, 221

Role 9, 37-40

additional parliamentary and caucus roles 39

Safety and security 63, 414-415, 420

Seat, right to hold 143, 395

Staff resources 419

Statements by Members (two-minute statements) 98-99

Statements regarding own conduct 143, 395

Suspension 138-142, 163, 279-281

from House, Legislative Chamber and committees 354-355

Time limits on debate 167-171, 183, 275, 277, 293-295, 308-309

Travel information and disclosure 58

Vacancies 46-49

Vote, right to 49-53, 143, 395

Website See Members' Guide to Policy and Resources website

Withdrawal of comments considered offensive 152

Members' Bills See Bills, Private Members'

Members' Conflict of Interest Act 52-55

Members' Guide to Policy and Resources website 40, 43-44, 47

Members' Remuneration and Pensions Act 44-46, 57

Merit Commissioner 20


Bills returned by, for amendment 250, 254

Votes of public money recommended by 289, 296-303, 309-310

Message bills 6, 8, 229-230, 234, 239, 289, 296-298

Messengers 414

Milliken, Peter (Speaker) 390

Ministerial Statements 104-109

Overview 104-105

Content 105-108

Debate on, not permitted 105

Leave requirements 104-107

Limits on content and reply 105-108

On matter referred to parliamentary committee 108

Member from constituency affected by, permitted to comment on 104

Oral Question Period, not to be made during 109

Replies to 105-108

deferral of reply 108

by Leader of the Official Opposition 104-106, 156

by leaders of recognized parties 104-106

leave to reply 157

scope and time limit of reply 108


Cannot increase sum specified in vote 309

Give assurances regarding financial requirements 297

May act for each other 11, 209

Ministerial responsibility 11

Motions, government motions may be moved by any Minister 11

Not eligible for election as Speaker 64

Private Members' Statements

not required to respond to 103

right to respond 103

Propose time allocation on bills 265-267


addressed to 321, 325, 335

may decline to answer 329-330, 337-338

oral, redirection of rests with 11, 329

Resignation 160

Role 4, 6, 10, 38

Sub judice convention, application and determination 178, 181, 327

Ministry officials

Assisting Minister to answer questions 306-307

Deputy Ministers permitted to answer questions 305

Electronic devices, use 135-136

Presence at proceedings 145, 284

Minority governments 6-7, 10-11

Minority reports

Authorized 100

Filed 358

Not permitted 356, 358

Miscellaneous statutes bills 231

Misquotation or misrepresentation of Members 134, 157, 160

Money See Public money

Morrison, William (Speaker)(U.K.) 281

Morrow, Donald (Speaker) 179

Motions 195-225

Introduction 195-196

Abstract, recommending expenditure 295-296

Abuse of rules and privileges 117-119, 165-166, 171-172, 204, 223-224

Address in Reply, notice of amendment to 101

Adjournment See Adjournment of debate; Adjournment of the House

Adjournment for matter of urgent public importance See Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance under Adjournment of the House

Affirmative vote may be rescinded 191-192, 205

Allowable when question is under debate 215

Amendments See Amendments

Closing debate 222-223

Closure 171-175

Speaker's role 76

Committee of Supply 303-304

Committing bill, resolutions, etc. 210-211

Consultation between government and opposition 255

Content 198-200

Debatable 205-207

Debate on, motions receivable during 215

Decisions on motions 222-224

Definition 195-196

"Die on the Order Paper" 224

Dilatory motions

are subsidiary motions 197-198, 218

do not require notice or seconders 218

rejection 223, 278

substantive vs. dilatory motions 118

use 165-166, 215, 218-221

use and definition 116-118

use and restrictions 218-221, 285

use to amend a bill 243-247, 255

who may move 218

Dividing 200

Dropped orders 113-116, 220, 286

amendment motions 116

reinstatement by motion 113-116

Expenditures of public money 295-296

Explanation, not submitted during 159

Form 198-200


deemed to be orders of the day 100, 110

movement of 209

Irregular in part 199

Lapsing 113-117

Matters already decided in a Session 210-212


"be now heard," as dilatory motion 221

"be now heard" or "do now speak" 156-157

conduct 124, 143, 151, 395

suspension for disorderly conduct 138-142, 163, 279-281

Money, Crown prerogative 295-296

Moved only by Member in whose name it stands, unless government motion 11, 209

Mover may vote against own motion 209

Moving a motion 207-214

Naming a Member 138-141, 279-281

Negatived in committee, may be made again 191, 210-211

Not debatable 155, 206-207

Notice 201-205

two days 201-202

waiving of 203-205

Opening Day 203

Orders for return of papers 224-225

Orders of the Day, proceeding to 116-117

as dilatory motion 116, 219

notice not required 202

Out of order 199

Out of order, Speaker's duties re 165-166, 223-224

Preambles, not permitted 200

Precedence 116-117, 285

Privilege, questions of 400, 405

notice not required 203

Process 200-201

Progress, reporting

cannot be repeated if negatived 285

not debatable 287

Purpose of 195-196

Putting the question on a motion 222-223

Question not to be put twice 165, 192, 210-212, 240

Referral of bill to select standing committee 203, 255-256, 346

Referral of matters to Committee of the Whole, precludes amendments 210-211

Referral of matters to select standing committee, precludes amendments 210-211

Referring votes within estimates to select standing committee 203, 304, 345

Reporting progress

cannot be repeated if negatived 285

not debatable 287

Reports, consideration of 357-358

Requests for papers, records and information 398

Rescinding a vote 191-192, 205

Rotating motions 119, 165-166, 220, 285

Routine, after interruption by clock 88

Same question not to be twice offered 165, 192, 210-212, 240

Same subject matter as a bill 211

Seconder required in certain cases 208-209, 215

Severing 200

Signed 208

Single question proposed 199-200

Speaker reads aloud 208

Speaking twice to 157-160

Sponsor 207-208

Standing Orders, suspension of, notice required 202

Subsidiary 197

Substantive 117-119, 196-197

definition 196

mover of, allowed a reply 157, 160

notice 196, 202

Supersedence rule inoperative 91

Superseding another question 117, 119, 220

Suspension of a Member 138-142, 163, 279-281

"That the Chair do now leave the chair" 285-286

"That the question be now put," procedure 171-174

"That the Speaker do now leave the Chair" 291, 293-295

notice 202

notice required 101

seconder required 208

Third reading, declared void 257

Time allocation on bills 264-267

Time for next sitting of House 86-91

Types of 196-198

Unparliamentary motions 223-224

Waiving notice by unanimous consent 203-205

Who may move 208-209

Withdrawal 212

amendment must first be disposed of 213

leave of House required 212-213

not in absence of mover 213

who may withdraw 213, 217

Without notice, by unanimous consent 203-205

Witnesses, summons of 347, 397

Wording of 198-199

Written 208, 215

Motions on notice

Classification 100

Lapsing 113-117

May retain precedence on request 113

Not taken up when called 113


Naming a Member

Process 138-141

Process, Committee of the Whole 279-281

News publications, Member misquoted in 160

Notices 201-205

Address in Reply to Speech from the Throne, motion to amend 202

Adjournment on matters of urgent public importance, motion for 123


Address in Reply to Speech from the Throne 202

"that the Speaker do now leave the Chair" 202


amendments 100

introduction of 202

Bills, Private 202

application for, publication 371-373

filed with Clerk 371

objection to 375

time for receiving applications for 371

Closure, not required for 172, 203

Committee of Supply

motion for House to go into 202

motion to appoint 303


additions or substitutions 349

appointment 202

instructions to 202

referral of bills to 203, 255-256, 346

referral of estimates to 203, 304, 345

Designated speaker, Member wishing to speak as 171


notice not required for deferral of 190, 203

notice required for rescinding a vote 192

Motion without notice 203-205

Motions 201-205

on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne 202

question may stand as 331

subject to amendment by Speaker 199

substantive 196, 202

"that the Speaker do now leave the Chair" 101, 202

two days 201-202

withdrawal 212-213

Orders of the Day, motion to proceed to 202

Parliamentary committees

appointment of 344-346

appointment of special committees 344

instructions to, amendments 345

meetings 352

membership changes 349

membership of 348

referral of bills to 203, 255-256, 346

referral of votes within estimates to 203, 304, 345

Privilege, questions of 203, 400

Publication 201-202

Questions, written 100, 202

Resolutions 202

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills, meetings 352, 377-378

Standing Orders, suspension of 202

Suspension of 203-205

Suspension of a Member 203

Votes and Proceedings, printed in 201-202

Waiving notice by unanimous consent 203-205


Oath of allegiance 42-43, 411


Administered to witnesses 398-399

Examination of witnesses under oath 348

Offensive language See Language, Offensive or disrespectful

Office of Legislative Counsel

Prepares annual statutes 414

Receives copy of private bill 373

Role re drafting legislation 237

Role re statute revision 268

Office of the Clerk 422 See also Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Amendments, consultation on 217

Bills, Private 368, 370-378, 381

application filed with, deadline 371-372

determination of adequacy and compliance of notice for 373

maintenance of register of 368

proof of publication of notice filed with 372-373

provides guidance on form and procedural matters 370

Role 422

Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms See also Sergeant-at-Arms

Role and services 422

Officers of the Legislative Assembly See Permanent officers of the Legislative Assembly

Official Opposition See Opposition

Official Report of Debates 417-419

Ombudsperson 20

Omnibus bills 231

Opening and closing of a sitting 62, 92-95, 415

Opening Day

Adjournment motions for, on matters of urgent public importance, not in order 126, 166

Amendment motions on 166

Dilatory motions on 166

Motions 203

Motions, parliamentary committees 343, 345-346

Privilege, questions of

cannot be raised on 403

reservation of right 166, 403

Pro forma bill 203, 230

Pro forma matters 166, 403

Pro forma proceedings 126, 345

Strangers on the floor of the House on 146

Opening of a Parliament 61-62

Lieutenant Governor role 6

Opposed business 87-88

Opposition 11-12

Chamber seating 16, 131

Committee of Supply, consultation on order of votes called 306

Composition 10

Critics 12

Leader of the Official Opposition 12

replies to Ministerial Statements 104-106

seen first in question period 156

Members, inclusion in definition of "Private Member" 101-102

Official Opposition 12

Assistant Deputy Speaker position, filled by Member 77

Public Accounts Committee Chair position, filled by Member 350

Questions, oral, asked by Members 325

Replies to Ministerial Statements 104-106

Role 11-12, 38, 350

Third Parties and other opposition parties 10-12, 38, 104

Oral Question Period 99, 320-331 See also Questions, Oral

Daily 96, 99, 320

Debate not permitted in 321

Deputy Speaker takes chair in 326

Duration 96, 99, 320-321

Electronic devices, use 135

Friday or weekend 320

History 28

Leader of the Official Opposition seen first in 156

Ministerial Statements not to be made during 109

Order and decorum 327-329

Points of order during 133, 321, 330-331

Privilege, questions of, during 331

Provision for 99, 320

Rules 321-325

Sessional Order, formerly provided for 320

Speech from the Throne, not on the same day as 320-321

Sub judice convention, application and determination by Minister 178, 181, 327

Supplementary questions See Questions, Supplementary

Time used by Chair restored 330

Oral Questions See Questions, Oral

Order and decorum 131-153 See also Debate, Rules of

Introduction 131

Addressing Chair 147-149, 275

Adjournment, Members' actions on 92

Chamber decorum and etiquette 92, 131-132, 187, 189

Committee of the Whole 142-143, 278-282

Decorum of Members

adjournment of the House 92

in debate 132

Discipline of a Member

discipline and punishment 394-396

motion concerning 143, 395

Disorderly conduct 136-143

grave disorder 142-143, 281-282

Member named 138-141, 163, 279-281

Member ordered to withdraw 136-138, 141, 163, 278-280, 354-355

Member suspended 138-142, 163, 279-281, 354-355

Speaker addresses 62, 66-73

yielding the floor 148

Divisions, Members do not enter or leave during 187, 189

Dress guidelines 149

Electronic devices, use 134-136

Expulsion of a Member 394-395

Grave disorder 142-143, 281-282

Interruptions, rules for minimizing during debate 132-136

Language, Offensive See Language, Offensive or disrespectful

Language, other than English 152-153, 419

Location of an offence 138-139

Naming a Member 138-141, 163, 279-281

Oral Question Period 327-329

Parliamentary committees 350, 355

Points of order See Points of order

Privilege See Privilege

Sergeant-at-Arms, preserves order in galleries, corridors, precincts 17, 414-415, 422


may adjourn House or suspend sitting 142-143

may take chair in committee during grave disorder 142, 282

powers to address disorderly conduct 67-68, 136-143, 279-282

Speaker preserves 62, 66-73, 131-153, 410

Speaker rises, Members resume seats 69, 136, 148

Strangers 144-147

misconduct 146-147

rules for conduct 145

Suspension of a Member for disorderly conduct 138-142, 163, 279-281, 354-355

Unparliamentary language See Language, Offensive or disrespectful

Unwritten rules 131-132

Withdrawal of comments considered offensive 152

Order Paper See also Orders of the Day

Arrangement of 112


"die on the Order Paper" 268

precedence for 96, 112

withdrawn 258

Clerk, prepares and prints 412, 422

Orders dropped from 113-116

Placed on Speaker's Table 412

Precedence on 111, 113-116

Printing 84, 109

Private Members' bills, must be taken up in order in which they appear 111, 113

Question not appearing on, may be read 164

Questions on 331

Orders of the Day 109-117 See also Business of the House; Motions; Order Paper

Overview 109

Addition or alteration to 109

Adjournment, effect of 82, 87, 113-116

Bills, Private, placed on 375

Bills sent for reprinting 253-254

Clerk places on Speaker's Table 412

Daily business 109-110

Definition 109

Discharged 256

Dropped orders 113-116, 240, 286

Government orders given precedence 109, 111-112

Items called and listed 96

Motion to proceed to 116-117

as dilatory motion 116, 219

notice not required 202

receivable when question under debate 215

Motions on, debatable 205

New at each sitting 82, 84, 87

Not disposed of at adjournment 113

Not taken up when called 113

Notices printed in 201-202

Order of business 96

Precedence on Order Paper 111-112

"Printed" marked on bills 242

Prorogation, effect on 110

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills, notices of meetings printed in 377-378

Two items with same subject 165

Urgent government business 111-112


Papers, orders for return 224-225

Parent, Gilbert (Speaker) 302

Parliament See also Westminster parliamentary system

Independence 230, 385

Time period 359

Parliament Buildings 15-17 See also Legislative Assembly; Legislative Precinct

Dining Room 423

Gift Shop 423

History 15

Public education, programs and tours 423

Parliamentary agent

Role and conduct 376-377

Parliamentary authorities 32-34

Parliamentary calendar 85-86

Adjournment weeks 82

Clerk publishes 81-82, 85

Proclamations may change 85

Spring and fall sitting periods 83, 85

Parliamentary Committees 341-359

Introduction 341-342

Activities 39, 341-342

Additions and substitutions of membership require notice 349

Appointment 343-345

of Members 343, 348-349, 359

motions for, debatable 205

notice required 202

Audio broadcasts and webcasts 356, 418

In camera meetings 347, 352-353, 379

Chair 349-351

absence 350

certification of claims of witnesses 347

does not move motions 350

duties and powers 350

election of Chair and Deputy Chair 349-350

no appeal from ruling of 380

questions, oral, addressing 326

responsibility for order and decorum 350, 355

signs reports 357

voting power and casting vote 350-351

Clerks See Clerk of Committees; Committee Clerk

Committee of Selection 343, 348

Committee rooms 273, 351, 418

Confidential matters 352-353, 357

Conveners 348

Designation and number 343

Dissolution, effect on 359

Divisions 191

Duration 344-345

sessional basis 343, 359

Estimates may be referred to 203, 304, 345-346

Evidence presented to committee 355-356

not to be raised in House 355-356

Formation 343

History 271-272, 342

Instructions to

amendments 210-211, 345, 358

notice required 202, 345

Leaks from, matter of privilege 352-353

Lists of, posted by Clerk 343

Meetings 351-356

attendance by non-committee Members 349, 379

attendance by non-Members 352, 379

in camera meetings 347, 352-353, 379

initial meetings 345

notice 352

suspended when division called in Chamber 188

use of names and speaking times 351

when committees may sit 351, 359

Membership 39, 343, 348-349, 359

changes, require notice 349

Independent Members 348


appointment of committee 344-346

membership of committee 348-349

presentation and adoption of report 357-358

referring bills, etc., to, requires no notice 203, 255-256, 346

referring votes within estimates to committee 203, 304, 345

Oaths, administration to witnesses 398-399

Order and decorum 350, 355

Parliamentary committee must be appointed before bill referred 246, 256

Pecuniary interest and voting rights provisions for Members 49-51

Powers 346-348, 397-399

Privilege, questions of

raised in 354, 406

referral to 400, 405-406

Procedural matters of, settled within 353-354, 380

Procedures, governed by Standing Orders 353-354, 380-381

Proceedings, transcripts and audio broadcasts 356, 418

Prorogation, effect on 110, 359

Public consultation activities 341, 351

Questions, oral, addressing Committee Chairs 326

Quorum 354

Referral from House, may not request 345

Referral of bill to 203, 255-256, 345-346

Referral of estimates to 203, 304, 345-346

Referral of matters to 8, 165

Referral of matters to, precludes amendments 210-211

Reports from 356-358

confidential until presented or released 353, 357

confidential until presented or released, privilege case 388

deliberations on draft reports 352-353

events involving possible privilege breach 406

on grave disorder 355

House cannot amend 358

leave not required to present 357

matters not to be raised in House until report received 355-356

may be deposited between Sessions 359

minority reports, authorization 100

minority reports, filed 358

minority reports, not permitted 356, 358

motions for concurrence in 205, 207

presentation 100

presentation and adoption 357-358

on procedural matters to House 354

recommittal 358

signed by Chair 357

summoning witnesses or requesting papers, records or documents 398

Reports, referred to, debatable 206-207

Requests for papers, records and information 347-348, 397-399

Research services 359, 422

Role 7-8

Scope of work 344-346

Select standing committees 343

Special committees 344

Standing Orders, observed in 353-354, 380-381

Statutory reviews 344

Strangers, presence of 145-146, 352

Sub judice convention 182

Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure 345

Subject matter of bill may be referred to 243, 246-247, 256

Suspended Members do not attend 141, 354-355

Terms of reference

amendment of 345, 358

interpretation 344-346, 380

Transcripts 356

Travel 351


affidavits 411

certification of claims 347

examination under oath 348

imprisonment case 397

Members 399

oaths 398-399

payment for claims 347

summons of 347-348, 397-399

Parliamentary Committees Office

Role and services 345, 359, 422

Parliamentary Dining Room

Services 423

Parliamentary Education Office

Role and services 423

Parliamentary Immunity in Canada 34

Parliamentary law

Customs or usages 31-34

Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia

History 29

As procedural authority 33-34

Update 33-34

Parliamentary Precinct See Legislative Precinct

Parliamentary privilege See Privilege

Parliamentary procedure See Procedure

Parliamentary proceedings See Legislative Assembly

Parliamentary Roll 43

Parliamentary Secretaries

Qualify as Private Members 102

Questions, oral

may ask 102, 325

may not answer 329

Parliamentary symbols 17-20

Pecuniary and personal interests 49-53

Appointment to a government office or other public employment involving compensation 53

And voting and speaking rights of Members 49-53

Permanent officers of the Legislative Assembly 410-415

Appointment 411, 413

Clerk, direction and control over 411-412

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Freedom from obstruction, interference and intimidation 392

Perry, Henry (Speaker) 338

Personal statements and explanations 159-160

Speaker, discretion of 159-160

Petitions 99, 361-365 See also Initiative petitions

Introduction 361-362

Copies available 362

Debate on 364

Definition 361

Form and rules 362, 364-365

Appendix A 365

History 361

Members 362-364

answerable for content 362

brief presentation 363-364

sign initial page 362

Money, may not be requested by 362, 364

Motion to receive not necessary 362-363

Petition for private bills 368-369, 371

Petition for private bills, form, Appendix A 365, 372

Presenting a petition 362-364

no debate on 364

reading and receiving of 99, 363

when to present 362

Process, flowchart 363

Purpose 9

Received, deemed to be 362-363

Residency requirements 364-365

Right to 361, 368

Votes and Proceedings, recorded in 362-364

Pins or ribbons 149

Plecas, Darryl (Speaker) 33, 51, 135, 144-145

Points of order See also Debate, Rules of

Amendment to bill or motion 71

Arising in Committee 282, 353

Decisions by Speaker 30-31, 52, 62, 67-71, 133-134

Divisions during 188-189

Election of Speaker, not permitted during 64

Explanations 159

Interrupting another Member with 132-134

Member to resume seat 148

Merit and validity 133-134

Misuse 134

No appeal of decision on 133

Not to be raised on introduction of bill 240

Oral Question Period, during 133, 321, 330-331

Quorum 95

Speaker decision challenged in guise of point of order 134

Police Complaint Commissioner 20, 191

Police investigations

Sub judice convention 181

Political parties 9-14

Affiliations 40

Cross-party consultation 14

Funding 10

House Leaders, Caucus Whips and Caucus Chairs 12-14

Opposition 11-12

Positions 12-14

Recognized parties 10-12, 38, 104

Role and history 9-10

Third Parties 11-12

Practice Recommendation 1 186, 267

Practice Recommendation 2 97

Practice Recommendation 4 359, 413

Practice Recommendation 5 98, 239-240

Practice Recommendation 6 13, 190, 255, 304

Practice Recommendation 7 400

Practice Recommendation 8 123, 127

Practice Recommendation 9 171

Practice Recommendation 10 291, 310-311, 314, 316

Practice Recommendation 11 324

Practice Recommendations 190

Prayers and Reflections 97

Designation of Member to speak by Caucus Whip 97

Electronic devices, use 135


In bills, considered last 248-249

Distinguished from granting or enacting words 249

To motions, not permitted 200

Not proved for private bills, reported to House 378-379


Advises Lieutenant Governor 359, 372

Role 4-7, 10-11, 13, 23, 38, 348

Seconds budget motion 293

Presiding Officers

Closure, role in 172-174

Duties and powers 76-79, 272-273

Press Gallery 17, 414-415

Prime Minister

Addresses Legislative Assembly 27

Private Bills See Bills, Private

Private Members

Definition 101-102

Questions to 326

Private Members' Bills See Bills, Private Members'

Private Members' Motions

Mover of motion 208-209

Must be taken up in order in which they appear on Order Paper 111

Taken up by agreement of Caucus Whips 112

Private Members' Statements 101-104, 111-112 See also Statements by Members (two-minute statements)

Absent Members 102

Bills on Order Paper not to be canvassed 104

Given priority on Monday morning 111-112


not required to respond 103

right to respond 103

Monday morning 101-102, 111-112

Nature of 103-104

Not subject to amendment, adjournment or vote 101

Order determined by Speaker 101-102

Partisan debate during 103

Response time may be shared by Members 103

Restrictions 101

Selection process 102

Selection process, role of Caucus Whips 102

Time limits 101-103

Who may respond 103

Private Members' Time

Divisions during, deferral 96, 190

Monday mornings 96, 101-102, 110-112

Proceedings, organization 13

Sequence 112

Statements 101-104, 111-112

And urgent government business 111-112

Privilege 383-407

Introduction 383

Adjournment motion, on matters of urgent public importance, not to be raised 122

Apologies 406-407

Collective 234, 387-388, 393-399

access to the Crown 387, 393

to provide for its due composition 387, 394-395

to punish for contempt and power to discipline 388, 396-397

to regulate its own proceedings and affairs 387, 393-394

to summon witnesses and call for papers and records 388, 397-399

Committee of the Whole, questions of, raised in 282-283

Committees, questions of, raised in 354, 406

Contempt 388-389, 396-397

cases 388-389

punishment for 396-397

Definition 383-385

Discipline and punishment for breach of, cases 394-397

Dividing the Committee of Supply, does not constitute a question of 305

Divisions during 189

Earliest opportunity, raised 401-404

Election of Speaker, questions not permitted during 64

Flowchart 407

History 3, 385-387

since Confederation 386

today 386-387

Individual 387, 389-392

exemption from attendance as a witness 387, 391-392

exemption from jury duty 387, 391-392

freedom from arrest in civil actions 387, 391-392

freedom from obstruction, interference and intimidation 387, 392

freedom of speech and debate, limitations 164, 387, 389-391

Interrupting another Member with question of 134, 283, 385, 399

Member's absence not a matter of 44-45

Members' speeches in the House 389-390

attacks on individuals' reputations 390

Misuse 134

Motion arising out of privilege question, notice not required 203

Not during certain proceedings 404

Opening Day, question of

cannot be raised on 403

reservation of right 166, 403

Oral Question Period, questions during 331

Parliamentary committees

questions of, raised in 354, 406

referral of privilege matter to 400, 405-406

Precedence given to 385

Private Members' Statements shall not raise questions of 101

Pro forma day, questions of, cannot be raised on 403

Procedure for raising question of privilege 399-407

determination of prima facie breach 404

earliest opportunity 401-404

earliest opportunity, exceptions 403-404

elements required 399-400

flowchart 407

motion, form of 400, 405

motion, withdrawn 405

notice 400

referral to committee 400, 405-406

report from committee 406

reserving right 166, 403

whole document to be tabled, if applicable 400

Prorogation, question of, cannot be raised on 403

Publication of debates, documents and papers 63, 393-394

Question of, considered immediately 385

Questions, written, refusal to answer questions not matter of 337

Reserving right 403

Sanctions for breach of, cases 394-397

Should be raised in presence of Member involved 400

Speaker decision challenged in guise of question of privilege 71-73, 134, 399

Speaker's decisions 44-45, 62

Speaker's decisions re prima facie breaches 399, 403-404

Sub judice convention 182, 390-391

Pro forma bill, proceedings, etc. See Opening Day

Procedure 23-34

Introduction 23

Authority of Legislative Assembly 26, 32-34, 203, 387, 393-394

Bills, Private, summary, Appendix B 381

Bills, Public 237-238

Certification of private bills 375-376, 381

Certification of public bills 241, 413-414

Constitutional framework 23-25

Customs or usages 31-34, 138

Financial procedures See Financial procedures

General Rule (Standing Order 1) 32

House of Commons of Canada rules and practices 33

Interruption of business by clock 86-91

Legislative Assembly Management Committee 29

Other jurisdictions 32-34

Practice 31-32

Precedents 32

Procedural authorities 32-34

Review 29

Sources 23-24

Speaker's rulings 29-34

Standing Orders 25-29

Statutory provisions 25, 29

Unanimous consent 203-205

U.K. House of Commons rules and practices 32-34

Unprovided cases 32-33

Proceedings See Legislative Assembly

Progress, motion to report

Not debatable 287

Prorogation 6, 359

Bills, effect on 268

Business of the House, effect on 268

Completion of Assembly business at close of Session 412

Crown prerogative 166

Motions, effect on 224-225

Motions on day of 166

Orders of the Day, effect on 110

Parliamentary committees, effect on 110, 359

Privilege, questions of, cannot be raised on 403

Questions, written, effect on 339

Returns, orders or address for, not nullified 224-225, 339

Protective Services See Legislative Assembly Protective Services

Public Accounts 58, 315

Public Bills See Bills, Public

Public Bills in the Hands of Private Members See Bills, Private Members'

Public Galleries 17

Admission of persons 414-415

Removal of visitors for misconduct 146-147

Public money

Crown recommendation required re expenditure of 295-296

Crown recommendation required re expenditure of, when objection may be taken 298-299

Expenditure of

by implication 297-298

use of words "give consideration to" 296

when out of order and current approach 302-303

Impost, definition of 300-301

Minister's advice considered by Chair 297

Motions for, origin of 316

Petition may not request 362, 364

Vote in cannot be increased or destination altered 309-310

Votes by message 289, 296-303, 309-310

Public petitions See Petitions

Public Written Questions See Questions, Public Written

Publications of the Legislative Assembly

Debates 63, 417-419

Right to control 63, 393-394


Queen's Printer

Printing of private bills 374, 414

Printing of statutes 414

Question of confidence in government

Confidence convention 6-7

Election of Speaker not considered a question of confidence 65

Matters of confidence 6-7, 10, 38, 124, 169, 202

Speaker does not determine issues of 7, 70

Question Period See Oral Question Period

Question, The See also Motions

"Be now put," procedure 171-174

May be read when required 164

Putting the question on a motion 222-223

Question may not be raised twice in the same Session 165, 192, 210-212, 240

Relevance 162-163

Speaking twice to 157-160

Superseded by motion to proceed to Orders of the Day 116, 219

Questions 319-339

Introduction 319-320

Deputy Ministers permitted to answer questions 305

Role in parliamentary accountability 319

Questions, Oral 320-331 See also Oral Question Period

Addressing 325-327

to Committee Chairs 326

to Ministers 321, 325

to Private Members 326

to Speaker 326-327

Anticipation rule, re bills 324

Argument or opinion not allowed 321

Brief and precise 321

Content, urgent and important 321

Debate not permitted 321

Guidelines and principles 321-325

History 319-320

Hypothetical questions 322, 332, 334

To Ministers, must relate to current responsibilities 321, 325

Not in order 322-324

Notice, taken on 321, 324, 330

Parliamentary Secretaries

may ask questions 325

may not answer questions 329

Points of order during 321, 330-331

Privilege, questions of, during 331

Redirection of questions, rests with Ministers 11, 329

Replies 329-330

any Minister may answer 329

Minister may decline to answer 329-330

Rules 321-325

Speaker's role

decides if question out of order 327-329

decides on supplementary questions 321, 324-325, 328

decides order in which Members recognized 328

decides questions to stand as notice 331

preserves order and decorum 327-329

Speaker's discretion 328-329

Sub judice convention 327

Supplementary questions See Questions, Supplementary

Urgent and important 321

Questions, Public Written 324

Questions, Supplementary 324-325

Guidelines 321, 324-325

Not allowed to question taken on notice 321, 324-325, 330

Speaker's discretion 321, 324-325, 328

Questions, Written 100, 331-339

Argument or opinion not allowed 331

Clerks consulted on 100

Clerk's power to sub-edit 331-332

Constitutional propriety 336

Definition 331

Form of and limitations to 331-337

Ministerial responsibility 335-336

Minister's discretion as to form of reply 331

Notice of 100, 202

questions to stand as 331

withdrawal 212

Privilege, refusal to answer questions not matter of 337

Prorogation, effect on 339

Replies 337-338

any Minister may respond 338

entered in Journals 331

lengthy 331

Minister may decline to answer 337-338

response by way of a return 331, 338-339

Rules 332-337

Speaker's role 331-332, 337

Withdrawal of 339

Quorum 92-95

Committee of the Whole 273-275

Committees 354

Count, points of order and questions of privilege not allowed 95

Division bells rung at discretion of Speaker or Chair 93, 273-274

And dropped orders 95, 274

Lack of, Speaker may recess or adjourn 93-95, 273-275

Names of Members present entered in Journal when no quorum 93, 274

No action taken unless lack of quorum called to attention of Speaker 93-95

Parliamentary committees 354

Point of order 95

Procedure in absence of 93-95, 273-275

Recess 93, 273-274

Ten Members required to form 92-93, 273


Rattenbury, Francis 15

Reasoned amendment

Bills 243, 245-246, 258

Bills, form of 246

Recall and Initiative Act 231-232, 411

Recall of the House

Recall by Speaker 63, 83-84


By agreement 83

Debatable 84

Grave disorder, in case of 142-143, 281-282

Quorum 93, 273-274

Speaker's discretion 83

Superseded by adjournment motion 119

Recording of debates See Debates, Recording of

Records of the House

Clerk's responsibility for safekeeping 411-412, 414


Distinguished from committal 248, 255

Reflections See Prayers and Reflections

Regulations 269

Reid, Linda (Speaker) 121, 145, 326


Amendments 217-218

In Committee of the Whole 163, 275-277, 307

In debate 150, 162-163, 275-277, 307

Members given benefit of the doubt 276

Speaker enforces 150, 162-163, 275-277


Closes debate 157, 160

To Ministerial Statements 104-109, 157

Right of 155-160, 170

Time limits 160

Report stage See Bills, Public


Bills, debate 252

Committee of Supply 310-311

Committee of the Whole 285-287

brought up without question put 286

on disorder 278-280

Member named in committee 138, 280-281

Motion for reference to Committee, debatable 206-207

Parliamentary committees 205, 207, 356-358

confidential until presented or released 353, 357

deliberations on draft reports 352-353

on grave disorder to the House 355

House cannot amend 358

leave not required to present 357

matters not to be raised in House until report received 355-356

may be deposited between Sessions 359

minority reports 100, 356, 358

presentation of 100

presentation of, and adoption 357-358

on procedural matters to House 354

recommittal 358

referred to, debatable 206-207

signed by Chair 357

Privilege, questions of 406

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills

on private bills 377-379

variance between bill and notice reported to House 376-377

Representative for Children and Youth 20, 191


Rescinding a vote 150, 164, 191-192, 205, 211, 213-214

affirmative vote 192, 211, 213-214

Reserved decisions or reasons 71

Resolutions 287

Introduction of, notice required 202

Recommendation of expenditure, not receivable without Crown recommendation 295

Rescinded 191-192, 213-214

Responsible government 4-5, 10, 23-24, 319


Prorogation not to nullify order for 224-225, 339

Questions may be answered by 331, 338-339

Reynolds, John (Speaker) 107-108, 182

Richmond, Claude (Speaker) 51, 54, 67, 262-263, 300-301

Rogers, Charles (Speaker) 182

Rolfes, Herman (Speaker) 302-303

Rotating motions 119, 165-166, 220, 285

Routine Business

Daily Routine Business 95-96

Included in Order Paper and placed on Speaker's Table 412

And motion on unanimous consent 204

Precedence for motions 116-117

Royal Assent 258-259

Ceremony 259

Electronic devices, use 135

Role 6, 8

Withheld or reserved 259

Royal Commissions

Sub judice convention 179-181

Royal Recommendation 6, 8, 229-230, 234, 289, 295-303, 309-310

Rule, General (Standing Order 1) 32

Rule of anticipation See Anticipation rule

Rule of law 2-4

Rules of Debate See Debate, Rules of


Sam, Robert 19

Sawicki, Joan (Speaker) 103, 123, 313, 390, 400

Scheer, Andrew (Speaker) 390-391

Schroeder, Harvey (Speaker) 45, 105-107, 139-140, 282, 325, 327, 330-331, 401-402

Second Reading See Bills, Public

Seconders 208-209, 215

Secret ballot

In election of Speaker 63-65

Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth

Consideration of Representative for Children and Youth reports 21

Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services

Role budget consultation process 292

Role re statutory officers 21

Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives

Duration 343

Role re initiative petitions 232

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills

Attendance by non-committee Members and others 379

Bills, Private 369-371, 373-381

committee proceedings 378-379

determination of notice for 373

objections to, individual may appear before 375

referral to 346, 369-370

referral to after first reading 377-379, 381

remission of fees for 374

report to House 377-379

reports unfavourably on, giving reasons 378-379

reports variance between bill and notice 376-377

role 378

rules on applications for 375

voting 377, 380-381

waiver of notice requirements for 375-376


no longer has casting vote 381

signs bill with amendments 378-379

voting powers 351, 353, 380-381

History and name changes 369

Instructions from the House 380

Law Clerk assists 375, 413-414

Meetings, in camera meetings 379

Notice of meetings 352

Notice of meetings, advertising 377-378

Privilege, questions of, referral to 400, 405

Procedural questions determined in 380

Role 378

Role re statute revision 268

Standing Orders, observed in 380-381

Terms of reference, interprets its own 380

Voting 377, 380-381

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Chair and Deputy Chair 350

Consideration of Auditor General reports 21

Consideration of Auditor General reports on government's summary financial statements 315

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills

Recommendations on Standing Orders 28

Select Standing Committees See Parliamentary Committees

Senate of Canada 142

Sergeant-at-Arms 414-415, 422 See also Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms

Assists Chair in ordering Member to withdraw 279

Assists Speaker in ordering Member to withdraw 136-137, 139-140, 280

Carries Mace 18

Chamber seating 16

Distribution of documents, responsibility for 415, 422

Mace, furniture, etc., responsibility for 414-415

Messengers, direction and control of 414, 422

Preserves order in galleries 17

Preserves order in galleries, corridors and precincts 414-415, 422

Role and duties 414-415, 422

Safety and security responsibilities 63, 414-415


consultation with 63

Speaker may give orders to 414-415

Strangers, takes into custody 146-147

Takes persons into custody when ordered 415

Sessional Orders 26-27, 32

Committee of Supply

divided into two or three sections 304-306

divisions 305, 310

Sessions 359


Bills, Public 200, 234-235

Motions 200

Shadow cabinet 102

Shantz, Lorne (Speaker) 86-87, 126-127, 179, 235, 247, 296

Sittings of the House 81-95

Introduction 81

Additional sitting on same day 84

Adjournment for holidays 82

Daily 81-83

Definition 81

Distinct sittings 82, 84, 87

Extension of normal adjournment time, motion debatable 84

Interval between for new Order Paper 84

Late sittings and sittings beyond midnight 82, 84-85

Longer than one calendar day 84-85

Opening and closing 62, 92-95, 415

Parliamentary calendar 85-86

Recall of House by Speaker 83-84

Schedule 81-85, 96

Schedule "unless otherwise ordered" 83-84

Suspension of, in case of grave disorder 142-143

Time of adjournment and interruption of business 86-91

Times of sitting and adjournment 82, 86

Two distinct on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 82

Wednesday 82

Weekend or Friday, Oral Question Period 320

Weekend sittings 83-84

Six months' hoist 243-245

Adoption of 258

Form of 245

Motion for, not open to amendment 244

Out of order 217

Smith, Dean (Speaker) 44-45, 51, 119, 180, 189, 242, 350

Smoking in Chamber 131

Societies Act 370

Songhees Nation

History, lands and cultural traditions 1-2, 15

Land agreement with government 15

Sovereign 4-5, 61, 385, 393

Reference to 161, 308, 324

Speaker 61-79

Introduction 61-62

Absence 78-79, 411

And access to the Crown 62-63, 234

Addressed by Members 147-149

Adjournment motions, on matters of urgent public importance 121-122, 125-128

Adjourns House

in case of grave disorder 142-143

for lack of quorum 93-95, 273-275

Any occupant of the chair (while Mace is on Table) referred to as Speaker 79

Authorizes publication of parliamentary documents and proceedings 63

Balances debate 156

Bills, cannot sever 234-235

Bills, Private Members', examination after introduction 232-234, 297-303

By-elections, duties re 411

Casting vote 73-76

closure motions 76

obligation to give 76, 185

Chairs Legislative Assembly Management Committee 63, 327, 409-410

Chamber seating 16


consultation with 63

presides over election of Speaker 64-66

Speaker may give orders to 411-412


must be in Chair for 172-173

role in procedure for 171-174

Committee of the Whole

debates in 74

disorder in 142-143, 279-282

disorder in, may take chair in committee during 142, 282

duties resolving into 272-273


in committee 74

informs House reply closes 157, 160

motions in abuse of rules, duties re 165-166, 223-224

participation in 74

relevancy rule, enforces 150, 162-163, 275-277

Debates, recording of, controls 417

Decisions See also Rulings below

absences of Members 44-45

accelerated consideration of a bill 261-264

amendments or subamendments 217

challenged in guise of question of privilege 71-73, 134, 399

decisions not debatable 67, 70

does not rule on constitutional or statutory provisions 31

freedom of speech and debate 390-391

Member's right to vote 52

not required to rule on certain matters 70

not subject to appeal 28, 30, 67, 70, 72, 133

points of order 30-31, 52, 62, 67-71, 133-134

points of order on amendment to bill or motion 71

precedents 30

prima facie breaches of privilege 399, 403-404

privilege questions 44-45, 62

reserving decisions or reasons 71

states reasons for 67, 70-71, 76

states Standing Order or other authority 67

Disciplinary powers 136-143, 279-282


adjourns House or suspends sitting 142-143

may take chair in committee during 142, 282

Disorderly conduct of Members, powers to address 67-68, 136-143, 279-282

Division bells

may decline to ring 93

rings 187

Divisions, duties during 185-189

Duties 62-63, 410 See also Role below

administrative responsibilities 16, 62-63, 66, 410

procedural responsibilities 62-63, 410

representative responsibilities 39, 62-63, 410

security responsibilities 16, 63

Election of 63-66

Clerk presides over 64-66

comments on privileges in ceremony 387

constitutional requirement 3, 23, 65

Members considered candidates 64

Ministers not eligible 64

must take precedence over other business 64-65, 220

no debate during 64

no vote if one candidate 65

not to be considered a question of confidence in government 65

point of order not permitted 64

procedure 64-66

question of privilege not permitted 64

secret ballot 63-65

successful candidate, actions 66

timing 64-65

withdrawal of candidate 65

Examination of resolutions, etc., to determine if expenditure involved 297-303


memoranda 31

not required to give on certain matters 70

private consultations 67-68

on procedural matters 67

Hypothetical situations, rulings on not required 70

Impartiality 67-68

Impartiality and casting vote 73-76


gives permission for admission to 420

management and control of 63, 421


catching the Speaker's eye 123, 156

naming 138-141, 163, 280-281

not to criticize Speaker 67-68, 70, 73, 151

suspension 138-142, 279-281

withdrawal 136-138, 141, 163, 279


in abuse of rules and privileges, rejects 165-166, 223-224

read aloud by 208

Not required to rule on certain matters 70

Notices of motion, may amend as to form 199

Opinion, not required to give on certain matters 70

Oral Question Period, role 321, 327-329

Order and decorum

calls for order 148

offensive or disrespectful language, powers to address 69, 136, 152

powers to address disorderly conduct 67-68, 136-143, 279-282

preserves 62, 66-73, 131-153, 410

Speaker rises, Members resume seats 69, 136, 148

Other Presiding Officers 76-79

powers 78-79

terms of appointment 77-78

Powers and responsibilities 62-63, 66-73

Powers of other Member presiding 78-79

Private Members' Statements, determination of order of 101-102

Question, may decline to put 116

Question, when putting, conduct of Members 132

Questions, answers privately 67-68, 326

Questions, oral

decides if question out of order 327-329

decides order in which Members recognized 328

not addressed to 326

Speaker's discretion re 328-329

supplementary questions, discretion re 321, 324-325, 328

Questions, written, duties re 331-332, 337


adjourns House for lack of 93-95, 273-275

counted to form 92-93

makes the count for 93, 273

must be called to Speaker's attention 93-95

Recall of House by Speaker 63, 83-84

Recess, discretion re 83

Recognizing Members to speak, conventions 62, 147-148, 156-157, 221


receives from Chief Electoral Officer 411

tables 63

Reserving decisions or reasons 71

Role 410

Role, history 61-62

Rotating motions, discretion to disallow 119

Rulings, sources 29-34

cases not provided in orders 32-33

other jurisdictions 33

other sources 33-34

previous rulings 32-33

Standing, Sessional and Special Orders 32

U.K. House of Commons sources 33


consultation with 63

may give orders to 414-415

Speaker designate 66


authority over 144-147

directs withdrawal of 144, 146

permission required to attend proceedings 145

Sub judice convention, discretion re 175-182, 390-391

Submissions, may invite 67, 70, 125

Summary powers 136-143

Suspension of sitting in case of grave disorder 142-143

Tables documents 63

Temporary Speaker, election of 79

Term of office 66

Unavoidable absence 79

Urgent public importance, rules on motions concerning 121-122, 125-128

Votes, casting 73-76

Witnesses, determination of payment to 347

Speaker, Deputy See Deputy Speaker

Speaker's Corridor 132, 141, 415

Speaker's Procession 18, 62, 84, 92, 97, 415

Speaker's Table 412

Special Committee of Selection

Appointment without notice 343, 348

Report and motion on composition of committees 348-349

Role 343, 348

Special Committees See Parliamentary Committees

Special Orders 27, 32

Speech from the Throne

Electronic devices, use 135

No Oral Question Period on day of 320-321

On Opening Day 6, 166

Role of Lieutenant Governor 6


Content 161-166

Content and respectful language 150-153, 161-162

Explanation 159-160

Freedom of speech and debate, limitations 164, 387, 389-391

Opportunities for 9

Reading speeches 133, 135

Time limits 167-171, 183, 275, 277, 293-295, 308-309

Standing Committees See Parliamentary Committees

Standing Orders 25-29 See also Procedure

Overview 25-26

Application 26, 32

Bills, Private, application to 380


notice required 26

summary 28

Clerk, accounting of fees collected under orders 412

Committees, observed in 275, 353-354, 380

Gender-neutral language 29

Parliamentary committees, observed in 353-354, 380-381

Review, history 27-29

Sessional Orders 26-27, 32

Special Orders 27, 32

Supersede practice or precedent 32

Suspension of 203-205

motion for, debatable 206

notice required 202

Statements by Members (two-minute statements) 98-99 See also Private Members' Statements

Provision for 98

Selection process 13, 98-99

Selection process, role of Caucus Whips 13, 98-99

Statements, Ministerial See Ministerial Statements

Statements, Private Members See Private Members' Statements

Statute Revision Act 268-269


Law Clerk, responsibility for preparation and printing 413-414

Revision 268-269

Statutory Officers

Appointment committees 344, 353

Oath of allegiance 411

Role and activities 20-21

Voting threshold for motions re 191

Strangers 144-147

Addresses by non-Members 27

Conduct 145

Definition 144-145

Excludes infant being cared for by a Member 31, 144-146

Misconduct, removal for 146-147

Presence of

during estimates 145

in parliamentary committees 145-146

Speaker's permission for attendance of proceedings 145

Taken into custody 146-147

Withdrawal 144-147

Sub judice convention 175-182

Active police investigations 181

Administrative tribunals 179-181

Bills, debate on, application of 177-179

Commissions of inquiry 179-181

Definition 175-177

And freedom of speech 390-391

Motions 199

Oral Question Period, application and determination by Minister 178, 181, 327

Parliamentary committees 182

Pending judicial decision 175-177

Privilege questions 182

Royal Commissions 179-181

Speaker's discretion re 175-182, 390-391

Urgency, cannot be raised as 124, 181-182

Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure 345

Subject matter of bill

Not referred to Committee of the Whole 246

Referral to committee 243, 246-247, 255-256

Subsidiary motions 197

Substantive motions 117-119, 196-197

Definition 196

Notice 196, 202

Reply allowed by mover 157, 160

Required for criticism of actions of Chair 151, 277

Substantive vs. dilatory motions 118

Summary powers 136-143

Supersedence rule See also Interruption of business by clock; Procedure

On interruption of business by clock 91

Motion shall not lapse 113

Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day 116

Rendered inoperative 91

Supplementary questions See Questions, Supplementary

Supplementary supply 230-231, 264, 312

Supply bills 230-231, 311-314

Accelerated consideration in urgent and extraordinary occasions 264, 312-314

As administrative acts 231, 313-314

Final supply 230-231, 264, 312, 314

Interim supply 230-231, 264, 312

Interim supply, accelerated passage 314

Supplementary supply 230-231, 264, 312

Supply, Committee of See Committee of Supply

Supreme Court of Canada

Ruling on legislative bodies 3


Members, for disorderly conduct 138-142, 163, 279-281, 354-355

effect and penalty 141-142

from House, Legislative Chamber and committees 141, 354

location of an offence 138-139

motion for, notice not required 203

suspension distinguished from order to withdraw 279

suspension outside of Standing Orders 19 and 20 141

Notice 203-205

Sitting 142-143

Standing Orders 203-205

notice required 202



Members not to pass between Chair and Table 132

Seating 16

Use in Committee of the Whole 273

Table Officers 412-414

Amendments, consultation on 217

Designation and appointment 413

Divisions, duties during 186-189

Notes on transactions constitute original records 267

Role and duties 412-414

Seating at Table 16

Talking Stick 19-20


Crown prerogative 296-296

Votes, resolutions, addresses or bills related to 296-303

Temporary Speaker 79

Third Parties 11-12

Third reading See Bills, Public

Throne debate See Address in Reply to Speech from the Throne

Throne speech See Speech from the Throne

Time allocation See also Time limits

With agreement of all recognized caucuses 266

Bills 264-267

Distinguished from closure 175

Without agreement 265, 267

Without debate or amendment 265

Time limits 167-171

Amendment motions 170-171

Leave to extend by suspending order 170

Not transferable or bankable 170

Reply 160

Speeches and duration of debates 167-171, 183, 275, 277, 293-295, 308-309

Transcripts of committee proceedings 356

Transcripts of debates 417-419

Transition Guide for Members of the Legislative Assembly 44, 47

Treaty bills

Amendments to agreements 251

Two-minute statements See Statements by Members (two-minute statements)


Unanimous consent 203-205

Business of the House, does not constitute a precedent 205

Motions by 203

Not to be used for adjournment motions on urgency matters 124-125, 204

Suspension of Standing Orders 26, 203-205

Waiving notice by unanimous consent 203-205

Withdrawal of amendments 217

United Kingdom House of Commons

Access to the Crown 393

Adjournment motions 206, 217

Bills, Private 368-369

Casting vote, Committee Chairs 351

Closure 173

Committees of the Whole 271-272, 280-281, 286-287

Dilatory motions 165

Disorderly conduct 137-138, 143, 280-281

Grave disorder 142

Hansard 417-418

Member disqualified from voting may speak or make amendments 52

Members' code of conduct 49

Ministerial Statements 104, 107

Parliamentary committees 342

Parliamentary papers, publication 394

Parliamentary procedure 32-34, 91

Pecuniary interest and voting rights of Members 50, 52

Petitions 361, 368-369

Privileges, immunities and powers 3-4, 385-387, 393

Recording of debates 417-418

Resolutions 287

Responsible government 4

Rules and practices 32-34

Speaker 61, 69

Standing Orders 32

Sub judice convention 175-176, 179, 182

Urgent public business, motions to adjourn to discuss 123

Unparliamentary language 150-153

Criticism of specific judges or legal decisions 150

Disrespectful or offensive language forbidden

re Members 150-151, 161-162, 390

re non-Members 161, 308, 324

Members not to quote another Member's words 151

Transgression areas 150-151, 308

Use 69

Withdrawal and apology required 152

Unprovided cases 32-33

Urgent government business

Orders of the Day 111-112

Urgent public importance, Motions for adjournment See Motions for, on matters of urgent public importance under Adjournment of the House

Usages See Customs or usages under Procedure


Votes and Proceedings See also Journals of the House

Bills, listing of 371

Clerk, prepares 412, 422

Divisions, entered in 186-187, 222

Notices, printed in 201-202

Petitions recorded in 99, 362-364

Publication 417-418, 422

Responses to questions appear in 338

Returns to questions appear in 331, 338

Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills, notices of meetings printed in 377-378

Unanimous consent, records 203

Voice votes recorded as divisions 186

Written questions printed in 100

Voting 185-192 See also Casting vote; Divisions

Introduction 185

Abstentions not permitted 185

Caucus Whips, role 13

On division 186, 222-223

Members present must vote 187, 189

Motion to rescind vote debatable and amendable 192

No dissenting voice 186

Requirement to vote 187, 189

Rights of Members 49-53, 143, 395

Solidarity 11, 14

Supermajority support required 191

Threshold 185, 191

Voice vote 186

Votes of House, reflection on 164, 191


Ways and Means, Committee of 310, 315-316

Webcasts of debates 418


Legislative Assembly 419-420

Members' policy and resources website 40, 43-44, 47

Westminster parliamentary system 3-4, 17-18, 61, 131, 137-138, 237, 342, 361, 368, 385-386

Whips See Caucus Whips

Whittaker, Norman (Speaker) 300, 355-356

Whole, Committees of the See Committees of the Whole


Amendments, not in absence of mover 213, 217

Bills 240, 258

Of comments considered offensive 152


for disorderly conduct 136-138, 141, 163, 278-280, 354-355

distinguished from suspension 279

when conduct in question, no longer required 143

Motions 212-213

Notices, of bills, motions or questions 212

Privilege, question of, motion 405

Questions, written 339

Strangers 144-147


Affidavits 411

Certification of claims 347

Examination under oath 348

Imprisonment case 397

Members as 399

Oaths 398-399

Payment for claims 347

Summons of 347-348, 397-399

Written Questions See Questions, Written